LSU BSN Fall 2014 Semester

U.S.A. Louisiana


Hey everyone! I was a spring 2014 applicant, I received an alternate letter so I am crossing my fingers I have better luck this semester! I know everyone probably feels like a huge weight is lifted off their shoulders as today was the application deadline. But now the nervousness is kicking in! I created this thread because I figured we all need the moral support - or at least I know I do lol! I hope I can be of help to anyone who may have questions as far as interviews and the time frame of this process! Good Luck to all of you!! ;):)

I also had my interview yesterday, I am feeling really good about it. As said before, the senior students were extremely sweet. I was also in the elevator with a few senior students and they told me it is honestly not a huge deal they just want to match a face with the application :) There are no right or wrong answers to the questions they ask.. They also said we would hear something back late March early April!!

Thanks!!! You guys make me feel so much better. Lol

I interviewed on Saturday as well. Just wanted to let everyone know that one of the administrators rode the elevator down with me and she said we will hear something after April 1st. She promised no notifications on April Fool's day also. Hoping I get in.

second time being interviewed, I hope it goes well! Good luck to everyone who has interviews! Lets pray for the best! Also, for those who had their interviews already, are there any other questions we should prepare to answer?

I'm beginning to get really nervous for this interview Saturday!

Does anyone know when we should hear something ???

I heard the end of March or beginning of April.

I was told after April 1st.

called the school two days ago and was told that this past monday they started their decisions, letters go out next week! and the week after! good luck everyone!

Omg... My heart just dropped reading that!

:woot: NEXT WEEK?! Good luck to all of you! I am so anxious and nervous!

What do you guys think the class schedule will be like as far as times?

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