Books/lab kit costs 2x what class cost? Is that right?

U.S.A. Indiana


So, I am taking my first pre-nursing course this summer, ANP101 through W. Lafayette Ivy Tech online. As I read here, I'm beginning to think I messed up and am going to set myself up to fail. The follett website is telling me that between the book and lab kit, I'm going to pay another $600...for a class that cost $355?? Is this right? Is there a better or cheaper way to get these materials? This degree is about to become cost prohibitive if I can't figure out how to do this easier. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.



I am pretty sure the labpaqs are the same at all the Ivy tech online campuses. I bought my stuff from 2 different people and neither is using my campuses, but the labpaqs match!

We have to all help each other no matter what! If we don't the bookstore will rob us blind and we'll be none the wiser!:confused:

For sure. I'm so glad a friend directed me to this forum. And thanks again for the advice and help, everyone.

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