uterine prolapse

Specialties Holistic


What is the holistic approach for treating 1st to 2nd degree uterine prolapse in perimenopausal female who would consider surgical intervention only as a last resort? Are there any massage techniques, self-massage techniques, exercises, or herbal supplements indicated for this condition? The patient is approximately 60 lbs overweight, also reports occasional constipation, acid reflux, urinary frequency/hesitancy, and on ultrasound, the bladder as well as the uterus shows displacement. Thank you for any information that can be used for patient teaching.

I would suggest Myofascial release and maybe Inversion Therapy .

Mayan Abdominal Massage is supposed to be helpful for this. Google it to find out more.

Specializes in Holistic and Aesthetic Medicine.

I am a Maya Abdominal Massage practitioner. You can find more info and a practitioner directory at www.arvigomassage.com

Yes, I have had great success with prolapses. I typically have women wear a faja (it's like an external uterine support) after we get the uterus back in place. Practitioners trained by Dr. Arvigo teach women a self care massage technique so that they can keep their uterus in place themselves. More detailed training in self care massage can be learned at one of the self care massage classes listed on the website. It's a three day intensive class that should be given to every woman when she first starts menstruating. It teaches all about the anatomy of the body and how to care for it. Specific techniques can help address tipped uteri and even pelvic congestion. We also have techniques such as traditional herbal medicines, lady partsl herbal steams, etc... from the rainforest herbs that can be of support.

Rarely, a pessary will be necessary to hold the uterus in place. Pelvic floor PT can sometimes also be of support. Barral visceral manipulation could be an alternative to Maya Abdominal Massage, although they work with prolapses a little less often.

If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.


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