Tell me about yoga

Nurses Stress 101


Specializes in BNAT instructor, ICU, Hospice,triage.

Does it help with stress? Do you go to a class in a gym, or do a video, or what do you do?

Yoga is not an exercise, it is life style. As a yogi for a number of years I have found that my physical practice (on the mat) directly translates into my life. Yoga is about movement, breath and state of mind. I would recommend that you research yoga centers/studios in your area. As a novice I would avoid gyms as these institutions tend to view yoga as an exercise and avoid the spiritual/mental aspect of it. Some of the challenges that you will face during your practice is difficulty focusing on one thing for a long time, muscle fatigue or discomfort and issues with self esteem (I'm not good at this, the person in front of me is so much better). Yet, through out my years I have learned that this is called "friction" and this friction is what creates fire with in you. Every time I hold that pose a little longer than comfortable or clear my mind despite my life trying to interfere with my meditation I feel like I have grown as a person. In your personal and professional life yoga will not only reward you with a strong body immune to the hardships of daily life especially nursing but also will train your mind to approach the "friction" of life with the same calmness you will on your mat. To avoid injuries and get started not the right foot I would recommend taking classes at the yoga studio near you. When you feel comfortable you can practice yoga at home or anywhere else. Good luck!

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

Yoga is as much or as little as you want to put into it. If you are curious, find a beginner class at a studio. There are also excellent books and videos. Gaiam videos with Rodney Yee are a good starting point.

You can practice occasionally for stress relief and flexibility, but a regular practice will reap amazing benefits. Physical and emotional; even spiritual if you want to take it to that level. But it's not a religion and does not supplant any religion you are currently practicing. There are easy postures for beginners, or elderly people or those with mobility or health problems. You can increase or decrease the intensity as your needs change.

Most important to listen to your body, go at your own pace and not compare yourself with anyone else. A good yoga instructor will always emphasize this.

Yoga is as much or as little as you want to put into it. If you are curious, find a beginner class at a studio. There are also excellent books and videos. Gaiam videos with Rodney Yee are a good starting point.

You can practice occasionally for stress relief and flexibility, but a regular practice will reap amazing benefits. Physical and emotional; even spiritual if you want to take it to that level. But it's not a religion and does not supplant any religion you are currently practicing. There are easy postures for beginners, or elderly people or those with mobility or health problems. You can increase or decrease the intensity as your needs change.

Most important to listen to your body, go at your own pace and not compare yourself with anyone else. A good yoga instructor will always emphasize this.

Another (off topic) benefit of those, Rodney Yee is pretty nice to look at :sarcastic:

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

Let's just say he's.....inspirational.

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