Why do students voluntarily drop out of nursing school?

Nursing Students General Students


Okay so I have been very curious about this lately mostly because I am starting an accelerated BSN program in January. I know it will be HARD and it will be even harder for me because I have 4 kids BUT I CAN and WILL do this. I am a bit disappointed in most of my friends/family for their reactions to this decision I have made. Most say "I cannot believe you are going to do that...it is going to be too hard" or "what about your kids? you have been at home with them for so long, what about how they will feel?" and finally.."so many people drop out of nursing school and they are doing a traditional program...your taking on an accelerated...are you nuts?! It is going to be too much"

So I have been thinking about why students drop out.

The stress? okay yeah that makes sense that there is stress but you go into it knowing that it will be stressful...why waste so much time and energy just to drop out because of stress? I have 4 kids and have been going to school I know what stress is and I know how to deal with it and be constructive.

The classes/schedule? Well again, you go into it knowing what schedule you are going to have for the most part..most school's let you know how many hours you will spend in class and clinical's per week and then you can (or should be able to) determine how much time you need to dedicate to studying per week and fit it in, period.

I guess the only thing I could figure out (and I hope I am not offending anyone) but it is because nursing was never a true passion for those that drop out. OR they have a tragedy/extenuating circumstances that are out of their control.

I certainly know I will not drop out because of the passion part...I know what it is like to be passionate about something, and when you are you will stop at almost nothing to pursue the goal/thing you are passionate about. I know for me my life revolves around caring for others and making a positive impact in other's lives that it consumes me daily...with my kids, service projects, and church related activities that enrich the lives of others. So I guess I don't get why my family/friends would think to themselves that I am crazy...I know I can do it and I guess that is all I need. I know there will be sacrifices ..some that are not going to be easy for anyone involved but I am doing this for my family and myself (it is who I am). My husband is such a good support system for me (well the only one thus far). I think that they all are just concerned and I get it but please save the negativity for someone else because I don't need it in my life, thank you. I would love it if they would congratulate me and be happy for me but no such thing has happened. Oh well- I guess the proof will be in the deed so to speak- I think that is how you say it, lol ;-) Thanks for listening to my rant ladies & gentlemen. :)

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

The OP has not posted in 16 months.

One can only wonder if things went well for her....

Specializes in Family Practice, Mental Health.

My husband was two quarters away from graduating with his RN. He has a previous bachelors in another area, and was in an ADN program at a college that also has a BSN program.

He got permission to leave clinicals early one week after getting urgent news of a newly diagnosed terminally ill close family member who wound up passing ON the day of his clinicals the following week. The week following that was the end of the quarter.

We all pretty much know what happens when you miss two clinicals right before the quarter ends.

He met with his instructors and advisors, who let him withdrawal from the program in good standing. He is welcome to return and finish if he so desires.

That was about five years ago.

He absolutely has NO intention upon returning. He has zero, zilch, nada desire to become a nurse. The whole scenario surrounding death and dying was just a little too much for my husband, and it still a little too much close to home as far as he is concerned.

People drop out of nursing school for probably as many different reasons as people sign up for nursing school.

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