What would you have done differently

Nursing Students General Students


I'm yet another of these folks about to enter nursing school and hungry for advice. I want to focus my question, though, on what you would have done differently through nursing school to make it a better learning experience.

Feel free to answer about any particular class, or just general thoughts. Also feel free to answer even if you are still in the middle of your nursing program. Your reflections are probably more immediate than those who finished some time ago.

I would have stayed on top of the work. I stressed myself out by not studying til last minute or writing a paper last minute. Then I had tremendous anxiety. I agree strongly with everyone that you should start practicing NCLEX style questions now. Also, I would have utilized the skills lab as much as possible and asked for as many opportunities as possible in clinicals to do skills.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.


At age 59, I am nearing the end of my career. While I never wanted to actually leave nursing, it would have been nice to have legitimate credentials and actual formal knowledge/skill in another field to incorporate into my nursing practice to enrich it and provide interesting avenues to explore. Nurses are often too narrow in their thinking and our discipline would benefit if more nurses had broader educational backgrounds (as well as deeper, more rigorous education in nursing itself). Over the long-term, you will benefit from both nursing depth and also breadth in education. While I took a lot of electives in a variety of fields, I wish I had more depth (an academic credential) in another field to enrich my practice.

I have always regretted not double-majoring. I wish someone had given me that advice many years ago.

Specializes in public health, women's health, reproductive health.

I am half way through. These are some pieces of advice I've learned by making some mistakes or witnessing some made by classmates.

Don't compare yourself to others.

Don't let yourself get distracted by what or how other people are doing, whether it be grades or other nursing school related things. It really is a distraction and it doesn't matter.

If you have a competitive nature, let your competition be yourself, with the focus of bettering yourself every day over how you were yesterday.

Be gentle on yourself when you are struggling.

Embrace what makes you stronger and don't let go. For some people that is faith/spirituality. Find what it is for you. It's very easy to get lost and bewildered in nursing school. It's wonderful to have that "rock" that supports you through school.

If you need help, get it. Don't wait.

And finally, enjoy your successes! Nursing school goes by at a fast pace with a lot of info to absorb. But take a moment to feel happy about good test grades and clinical days/successes before you immediately start fretting over the next test.

Best wishes!

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