What Should I Have Before School?

Nursing Students General Students


What should I get before school that is not required by the school, but may help me along the way.

What should I get before school that is not required by the school, but may help me along the way.

A pocket PC. Absolutely. I decided after 2 semesters that lugging that awful back-breaking back pack with 50 pound books in it just wasn't happening. I got a really bitchin Pocket PC (HP iPAQ rx3715) and it has a voice recorder, and not to mention there is a plethora of soft ware suites available that are fairly affordable. I loaded up with RN Notes, 5 minute clinical consult, Archimedes, signs and symptoms manual, tabers dictionary, lab guide, regular and IV drug guides a few free title. Doctors and fellow nurses will be your new best friends because when they can't find an answer, you will have it at your fingertips. It really made all the difference for me.

Also, antibacterial hand wipes or gel, tagaderms for you when you get a hangnail or a papercut and don't want any critters getting into it, preperation H- I know, sounds freaky but it really helps under eye puffiness from when you had a late night studying event or cried your eyes out from failing a test, Halls mentholyptus cough drops ( i know I know-my spelling is horrific..) because they block out just about any smell I can think of, Visine, a really great backpack with all kinds of pockets with padded shoulder straps ( try Swiss Army gear), a sense of humor, and thick skin. Then that's about it! Good luck!

-Get a planner and lots of folders. Organization to the point of being very anal is VERY important

-Never fall behind in your classes

-Wash your car, change your oil, clean your house, go to any dr appts you need to go to before school starts.

-Buy a medical dictionary.

-Buy a good stethoscope. My feeling is, you don't know what to listen for at first, and it's a much better learning experience if you can hear heart/lung sounds clearly.

-Sacrificing sleep for studying is not always the best thing to do

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