Share your tips & shortcuts for moms/students!

Nursing Students General Students


Okay, thought I would start this thread and hopefully all you current and past mommy/students will share your best hints with the rest of us! I start the nursing program this fall; I can't even begin to imagine how hard it will be with my 3 kids and working full-time. That is why I want to find as many shortcuts as possible to keep my house in order among a thousand other things. For example: A friend told me she bought paper plates, etc for those nights when every second counted. I personally love the disinfecting wipes (my fave is my own store's brand, it's soapier) for the bathroom. I've went in to brush my teeth in the morning and wiped down the whole bathroom in 5 mins! (except the tub/shower) SG

Let's bump this thread up again! I'm havin' a rough week........the house looks like a disaster area, I need to grocery shop (when??) I have over 200 pages waiting to be read, a paper to write, and two projects going at once. Oh, and tonight I am working my 3rd 12hr night in a row followed by 12hr clinicals this weekend. Whew, I'm worn out just saying all that! SG

Semester is almost over!!!!! :balloons:

I agree totally with Dave!

Sure, I just got one kid and he is "just" 3 years old. But I do pretty much all household work except for loading the laundry machine (I ruined some clothes for her once so she dont trust me with that anymore ).

Anyway, like Dave says, just take it easy, relax. I go up 5am as well and leave for kindergarten at 7am (30 min walk). Then school most of the day, picking up the kid... Dinner around 5pm and then some quick, basic cleaning. The evenings are made for slacking and having fun. I do the big cleaning sundays. This works out very well, the kid is alive, the apartment is clean.

I have not felt any stress about nursing school yet, just poorly motivated at times (like when we have statistics class). So like Dave says... Just relax. :)

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