Received Acceptance Letter

Nursing Students General Students


Hello everyone,

I received an acceptance letter to a nursing program beginning this fall. I am extremely excited but also feeling a bit of anxiety. I've been a student at the local college since 2010 but their wait list was as much as five years. Once I set my mind to studying for the HESI, I devoted myself to it as well as my full time student workload and part time job. I'm also a mother.

What I am worried about is the change that nursing school will bring to my life. I currently live with my parents (following a divorce from my ex-husband of 10 years) and receive support for my daughter. I don't make a lot of money at my job, maybe $400-$600 a month before taxes if we've been busy enough. I'm a manager there and love it. I'm going to be sad to have to leave but the schedule won't work out. So, if you were in my shoes, would you take time off from work and devote yourself to nursing school? I don't relish the idea of taking out much more in student loans but I will if need be. My EFC is 0 on the fafsa. I'm hoping to get a significant pell grant. But I digress, I am not opposed to working but know I need to devote myself to finishing a degree and working. I know I will make some mistakes, everyone does, but want to prepare myself as much as possible for nursing.

Any advice, tips, etc. are greatly appreciated. I was thinking of applying for the nursing scholarship through the government but I have a bad credit history due to divorce (and being a sahm for those 10 years). Part of why I went to school was because I told myself I was never going to rely on someone to support me ever again. If you read my post, thanks a bunch! :) I really am thrilled in spite of my concerns.



I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may as well put in your two weeks notice. First off, the first semester of nursing school is BRUTAL, be after that if you expect to get a job anywhere as a Nurse in a residency program, which is competitive, you will need to become a PCT, which will not give you anytime at your current job. DONT WORRY though, you are coming close to the end where you will have a really satisfying job that gives you plenty of stability and options. So whenever you feel like quiting, just remember to take it day by day and stop looking to the week or month you are about to have, because nursing school is hard, and it needs to be, after you graduate, you are holding peoples lives in your hands, and they want to make sure you keep them alive. Good luck to you and expect that dating and social life, will be non-exsistant.

good for you, erica! it'll be a challenge but you will be better for it, and it won't do your child any harm to see her mom working hard to achieve a goal. if you stay with your parents, they can help too, and reinforce that whole idea. you're also going into it with a really good attitude that will take you a long way.

by all means, if there's any way you can do school without work, do it that way. it will be orders of magnitude easier, and then when you are a grad, you can go to work refreshed, not totally exhausted by years of schoolandwork.

i'm thrilled for you! stay in touch!

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

yes i took 6 months off of work to devote my time to school luckily i have an amazing supportive bf who supported me the whole time until i felt like i had a hold on my school and the way my professor taught i was able to return to work full-time

i hope you do what is best for you and prove to yourselves you can support yourself and dont need anybody but yourself. goodluck on your future

Thank you all for the responses. If you took time off, how did you finance it? I have applied to a lottery scholarship called the competitive skills scholarship. Maybe I'll get it, maybe I won't. That's the problem with lotteries, no gpa requirement. I'm currently an honors student and have taken A & P. I passed with an A and loved it. I scored high on the HESI as well. I get $400 a month in child support. Like I said, I'm not opposed to taking out loans to ensure I learn what I need to know. :)

Everyone says nursing school is brutal. :/ I will have to take the core nursing classes and microbiology. I've done everything else (Biology, A & P, math, and general electives). I'm planning on doing a self study on microbiology a.s.a.p. I'm also learning Spanish and want to become bilingual so I can't just drop it from my learning; even when I am done with Spanish this semester. As a requirement of my current school's honors program I had to take critical thinking and writing. Do you think that this will be helpful when it comes to nursing critical thinking skills? I have been reading nursing books and quizzes to prepare as well. Maybe I am prepping too much, maybe not. I'm bored with my liberal studies classes but know I have to finish out this semester on a good note.

Thanks again,


P.S. I don't have a social life anyway! My personality type is supposedly an ESTJ, but I'm not really good about going out and socializing. I get it at school and work and that's usually enough for me. Also, I have a boyfriend who's in school for his bachelor of science in computer information systems so we sit side by side and do homework now. LOL. That's our idea of a date. And maybe watching netflix.

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

Yes! Critical thinking is a biggie in nursing everything you do involves critical thinking, You need your critical thinking skills to pass the Nclex so yes continue doing what you're doing. You're on the right path to success.

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