nursing students as guinea pigs?

Nursing Students General Students


I have been reading a novel by an author named P.D. James. It is called "Shroud for a Nightengale." It is a mystery that takes place in a nursing school in England. The first person murdered is a student that is pretending to be a patient for a demonstration. They insert a gastric tube into her and give her warm milk. Unfortunately, it also apparently has poison in it too that someone put into the milk. I know that nursing students have to practice giving shots, drawing blood, taking temperatures, bps, pulse, etc. on one another. I was just wondering if you really have to actually have a gastric tube inserted as well. I really hope not. That would not be pleasant at all, even without the poison. I was also wondering what other uncomfortable procedures if any, nursing students have to endure. I figure it would be better to know than to spend the next year worrying about the unknown. Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences.


Well I think starting IVs on each other is good.. Anyone can start an IV on a dummy.... But when you have real veins in front of you... And it would be nice to poke a good, well hydrated vein first then have your first be a 97 year old lady with hardly any veins left :)

Hi, as far as I know we can't do anything invasive on each other. Not too sure though. We get to practice injections on oranges but that is all I know for sure.

We don't do ANYTHING invasive on each other since OSHA put a stop to it. We only do assessment stuff to each other. Which sucks in a way because that means the first NG insertion we do will be on a REAL pt.!!!! Poor pt!!!! The dummies we use are no where near "reality" in that department. One of my pt's had an order to d/c NG and of course my instructor had me ask if she minded if other's "observed" me doing this...poor lady she was FREAKED!!! "you mean you've never done this before?" It went ok and she didn't have any problems - even complemented me that it "wasn't that bad". However, it sucks to have to "test our skills" on real pts!!

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