Nursing School Burnout - RANT!

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I'm in my 2nd semester of a 5 semester program, and I am so tired of it already.

I'm tired of waking up at 5am every morning, - including weekends - to go to class, attend clinicals, or wake up to study to make up for the lost time I will have to compensate for because of those godforsaken care plans/group projects!

I'm tired of studying harder than I have ever studied before in my life, missing out on family moments, all so that I can take a 25-30pt question exam and barely pass because missing more than 4-6 is a FAILURE!

I'm tired of feeling dumb and having my self-esteem plummet whenever I make a mistake.

I'm tired of the physical effects school is having on me: increased anxiety and depression. I rarely smile much anymore.

I'm tired of seeing the same faces at school everyday.

I'm tired of exploding at my family members because I'm so stressed out.

I'm tired of inconsistency from lab instructors and last minute instruction right before an evaluation (thanks a lot!).

I'm tired of lame group projects that are only worth 5 pts, but take away precious time I could be using to do something more important - like say, study so I can pass the freaking class, because without actually passing, those points are worthless, as they will not actually be added in until a student has passed the course!

I'm tired of feeling like nursing school literally, OWNS me and I can't make a move without it.

I forgot to add....I was reading...caring in nursing practice...They refer to this period as the second year blues. When the honeymoon phase of getting into nursing is over and realities over balancing life, work, intense academic demands sets in. Really takes work on your self! Rely on friends and family and don't think about group projects...Lol

Please tell me how everything worked out. I am currently in my last month of my 2 semester of a 5 semester program. I am tired and super stressed out, does it get better.

I am 2 weeks away from graduation. I am so tired. Sometimes I feel like I will go into major depression. I cry without any reason. I don't feel like studying. I don't like to cook. I don't like to do anything. I don't enjoy eating anymore. I am freaking tired. I am very tired. I cannot visit my family because of covid. I cannot plan to go out because of covid. I am very very tired. 

Specializes in retired LTC.

Kmangukia21 - (and others feeling much the same)

There's a real experience occurring here now, something called ANTICIPATORY grieving. Lots of underlying anxiety angst! Like you KNOW that the your recent past life experiences are about to change. For quite some time, you had a stable, predictable routine; like everyday, it's been wash, rinse, dry & repeat! Well, that's all about to change, whether you feel ready for it or NOT!  It's GONNA HAPPEN!

Well, there'll be no more school routine, rigorous NCLEX testing lies ahead, and a prob very intensive job search with worries re shift & specialty decisions, people worries, etc. And all the other etcetera.

Then you add in the all-encompassing Covid concerns that we've all been enduring since Feb/Mar. Your health and that of all us others are still at risk.

And the current TENSE political environment cannot be minimized.

Is it any wonder that you're feeling like you are? I do ask that you make 110% sure you have no TRUE underlying health issues making you feel so bad.  A PMP visit could be in order, just to be sure.

Just know that you are 're NOT ALONE feeling this way. I'm sure a gazillion new-to-grad nurses are out there bobble-head nodding in agreement with you!  And this is not anthing new  - even new teachers, social workers, and others are face it too. The past is past and the future is scary as h*ll as it fast approaches.

Only you can make plans to go forward. You need to recharge yourself. Try some easy Lean Cuisines, tooty frutty yogurt or cottage cheese. Drink some really fancy-schmancy herbal tea with honey. Take some naps. Read a new book. Call your old Aunt Helen just to chit-chat. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

This feeling usually will pass. Won't seem fast enough, though. I've not meant to minimize in any way, your feelings. so just to say, I wish you well going forward.

4 hours ago, amoLucia said:

Kmangukia21 - (and others feeling much the same)

There's a real experience occurring here now, something called ANTICIPATORY grieving. Lots of underlying anxiety angst! Like you KNOW that the your recent past life experiences are about to change. For quite some time, you had a stable, predictable routine; like everyday, it's been wash, rinse, dry & repeat! Well, that's all about to change, whether you feel ready for it or NOT!  It's GONNA HAPPEN!

Well, there'll be no more school routine, rigorous NCLEX testing lies ahead, and a prob very intensive job search with worries re shift & specialty decisions, people worries, etc. And all the other etcetera.

Then you add in the all-encompassing Covid concerns that we've all been enduring since Feb/Mar. Your health and that of all us others are still at risk.

And the current TENSE political environment cannot be minimized.

Is it any wonder that you're feeling like you are? I do ask that you make 110% sure you have no TRUE underlying health issues making you feel so bad.  A PMP visit could be in order, just to be sure.

Just know that you are 're NOT ALONE feeling this way. I'm sure a gazillion new-to-grad nurses are out there bobble-head nodding in agreement with you!  And this is not anthing new  - even new teachers, social workers, and others are face it too. The past is past and the future is scary as h*ll as it fast approaches.

Only you can make plans to go forward. You need to recharge yourself. Try some easy Lean Cuisines, tooty frutty yogurt or cottage cheese. Drink some really fancy-schmancy herbal tea with honey. Take some naps. Read a new book. Call your old Aunt Helen just to chit-chat. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

This feeling usually will pass. Won't seem fast enough, though. I've not meant to minimize in any way, your feelings. so just to say, I wish you well going forward.

Yeah! it will gonna happen. It's part of life. It will go away eventually. 

Also, I agree with you, I need to recharge myself. 
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and responding back. It means alot. Take care. Good luck with everything. 

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