Now i that i GOT letter!!I CAN"T GO!!! I am so upset:(

Nursing Students General Students


I am so about to cry, but I know that God got this I know he do. Well today i receive a letter from tech college saying i have to report on May 18 for registration for summer, I am like WTF, so i call them, she said well me are making it mandatory u start in May instead Of August, she said why is a problem, i said aaaah yeah it very inconvenient, she was like well i had to wait to mail it, I was like wait u mean u mail me a letter Monday telling me I have to go to school the next following week and I am not supposed to not be bother. I said first off i have to have a SAR from last year the one i did for August is no good because, it from the next following year 2. i was told it would not be mandatory to come in May because it was just a thought u all were having to maybe do the summer thing, BUT now it is Mandatory!!

,, I am so upset because I am in a week supposed to find child care, find a way to pay my tuition, book etc. URGHHHHHHHH!! U know I probably could swing the tuition and stuff, but child care HELLO NO!!

I know it was God who quicken me to send that App to another school which has in me advance standing now, , NOW i have to PASS that TEST (NET), i hate the stress i am under now, it so not fair, i got in the tech a year in advance and this what happens a few months before, i can not believe it, I am so upset, i am really trying to keep it together, I swear. Please pray for me:)

Keep looking for that window! Good luck. What a drag! (((hugs))))


Relax. Pray and ask God to direct your path. Don't count yourself out just yet. God is always on time. What may seem like bad timing to you can be perfect in the eyes of God. You need to seek him in the midst of this and everything will come together. I personally know ALL about the daycare issue but trust him. He will make a way. GO to the school and calmly tell them about what you are feeling. Believe me your not the only one feeling this way. They may have some answers. Remember that God can make a way out of NO way. I am a witness to that. I've seen him do it again and again and again. Don't underestimate his POWER. Seek him first and everything else will be added unto you. Be blessed and walk in his power. :) :) :)

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