Need Algebra Tips

Nursing Students General Students


Am currently taking College Algebra and I'm having a very difficult time with it. I can't enter the nursing program next fall without receiving a C or better. I would like to hear from other students who had a great deal of difficulty with it and what techniques they used to pass the course. Would also like to hear from those who didn't pass or received a D and tell me what they did. Thanks guys.


I had quite a time with Algebra myself, so I know what you are going thru.

I was tutored to even get in to the algebra class first of all, then when I finally made it, I failed the first time. Took the class again, and passed with a "B", (with more tutoring). It sure did take alot, and thank goodness my school has a great tutoring program!

Once it hung on in my brain, it all seemed to click together. Just hang in there, you can do it! Have faith...

Look at it this way, I even passed Algebra II with a B, so something must have went right!

Best of Luck!


I took Algebra a few years ago and did o.k. Last semester I took the college algebra, had to get a tutor and passed with a B. You can do it. Don't give up. I'm a nontraditional student and am keeping up with the younger students. Hang in there.

I forgot to mention that by nontraditional student, I meant to say that I am 45 years old, married, one grown stepdaughter, 2 cats, 1 dog and of course my husband. He helps out around the house, he's disabled, has had 2 cardiac bypasses.

I had a lot of trouble with algebra, I've never been a math person. What I did when I didn't understand something was keep asking for help.

I used to hate asking a tutor or a teacher to explain something to me, because they would go through it so quickly (it's SO easy for them!), and then say "ok? You've got it now, right?" Meanwhile I would be sitting there with what I'm sure was a blank look on my face trying to remember what they said the first step was, nevermind the whole problem.

But one piece of advice that I got from a teacher once was not to just nod and walk away still not understanding what to do. Once that person helps you, do a problem on your own with him or her watching, so that you can see at what point you are getting off track. If you don't understand one way to do a problem, there is usually another method you can try. Have someone explain the problem in a different way, and sometimes it will just click. Keep asking them to repeat the instructions if you don't get it the first time, until you get it. And once you get it, keep working similar problems so you retain it. It would never fail, if I finally "got" something, I would get so happy that I could move on to something else, and the next time I saw that type of problem, I couldn't remember how to "get" it again.

I had a rocky start in algebra but once I became persistant in seeking help, it went a lot better. I made it through with a B. So I know if I could do it, you can do it! Good luck!

Practice, practice and practice the problems over and over, it does help. Find a study partner before the tests and go over the material that you will be tested on.

Think positive and Good Luck

Ugggghhh, Algebra,

I know how you feel. I have been a math-phobic most of my life. I had to take Algebra in college and the only way I got through it was to study from the book and do the practice problems over and over and over again. I might as well have not even gone to class. I never absorbed anything from lecture. I guess the teacher just moved too fast for me. And like RN2B said, even when you ask most teachers for help they run through it pretty quickly. Plus, if you don't know what you don't understand about a problem in the first place, it's pretty hard to ask for help.

What worked best for me was - go to class and see what the teacher covers in lecture that day, then go home and read through the chapter of the book and do practice problems. Most math books are all written the same way. Each chapter shows step by step the process of solving a problem. I would sit down and read over each step and even write out each step - going along with the book. Then I would do as many practice problems as I could.

Good luck and you are not alone!!!!;)

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