Mother going to nursing school

Nursing Students General Students


:nurse: Hi. I'm a 28-year-old mother who is going to school for my (RN) bsn. I would like to talk to others about how they juggle family life with studies as well as household. I think it will be a little easy on me since I have a first grader, but my two-year-old is another story....:eek: If there is anyone else in the same situation I am or if there are any websites let me know.....Thanks!:kiss

Thank you Chary for your kind words and every one else for sharing in on your experiences.

My youngest is starting school this year so daycare won't be so much of a worry any more as the school offers both before and after school programs :)

As far as my housework went, it wasn't spotless like it used to be.

I didn't really care, my studies were more important. But everyone did fall into their new schedule with less of mom around.

Chary if I would go down for a nap like that, I'd be out for the night :) I need a full 8 hours sleep to function for a whole day, if not then I'm tired and don't absorb any information and end up in bed at 7pm until the next morning!

Right now I'm just brushing up on all my subjects to get ready for the winter semester. GAWD 5 years in school, I sure hope it goes quick enough!!! ;) *a Bachelor is the min requirement out here*



Have faith, you can do it!! I was 30yrs old when I returned to school for my Nursing Degree. My husband wasn't at all thrilled, so I was fully responsible for finding care for my two daughters then 8 and 10. I also was the parent who stayed home when one of them was sick. When starting school, be upfront with your professors, let them know the situation you are in. I know that doing such saved my life (& career!) If I was forced to miss a day, I would call and arrange to make up the work missed, I even at times brought one of my children to class with me, with items to keep them distracted.

I DID graduate from Nursing, my children were front row center at my commencement. I wrote thank you notes to all the teachers that helped me along the way. I am still in contact with a few of friends.

Having children and going to school can be a positive experience, for all of you. Best of luck!

:) Jo

I am a mother of four, 12, 10,9,5. My husband is ok with me going to school, but would perfer me working.... but...... I am in Goshen getting ready to for fall admission to Bethel College in Mishawaka.

Good Luck, We will all make it with lots of luck, effort & the grace of God


I'm also from Indiana! Hi! Let me tell you that this year has been soooooo hard. But if you are determined, you can do it! Have faith, you can do anything!

My husband helps out a lot, and my children do a lot to save me time. I'm lucky in that respect, that my youngest is 7 and in school.

You can do can do anything!;)

Good Luck!

Julie :nurse:

Specializes in ICU, nutrition.

I graduated from nursing school in December 2001, so I am living proof that it can be done!!

It can even be done if you live far, far away from your family, don't have very many close friends outside the program for help with child care, etc, and your husband is out of town working 90% of the time!!

Fortunately my husband made enough money that I didn't have to work (although I did a work study job on campus 6-10 hrs/wk). My son was just under two when I started and almost five when I graduated (I had prereqs from another college that I transferred). We stayed on a routine while I was in school. In bed by 8 except weekends (him, not me, unfortunately), straight home from clinical on Tuesdays to do paperwork, then pick up Ian and go to Hub City Diner for kid's night, talk to hubby on phone every other night around 9, pretty much no TV, housework on Saturdays or not at all (although I find my house is messier now that I'm working...may have something to do with hubby being in town most of the time now), most other days pick Ian up from daycare by 4:30 so we have some time together, study after he goes to bed, while waiting for bus when parking at commuter lot, at work as time permits, during class breaks and all weekend right before a test!

I had my son at the on campus daycare, which was wonderful and cheap, for the first year, but they didn't open til 7:15, a problem when clinical starts at 6:45. I drove him to his teacher's house two days a week for that year, then she took him to school with her, but it came to be too much trouble. We had to leave the house at 6 on those days, and I had to have him ready when we got to her house, so I had to get up at 4:30. Ugh! I switched to a daycare that was halfway between the two hospitals I had clinicals at the next year, so I could drop him at 6:30 and (barely) make it to clinical by 6:45. We were lucky that neither of us got sick much, although I missed the maximum I could in clinicals every semester I was in school. No, the flu waited to strike us this year after I started my new job (about 5 weeks in to be exact!) I think I was the only new nurse to call in sick during orientation...oh, well, nearly everyone in the unit got it, so they couldn't expect me to be immune, for heaven's sake!

I tried very hard to strike a balance between school and having a life. I would occasionally go out of town during the semester (if I didn't have a test) to visit my parents or my husband (but only if he was working somewhere fairly close). I attended an NSNA Mid-Year Conference and our state student nurse convention. I was involved in our SNA. I didn't spend my time buried in my books or notes, but I did read the text, made sure I understood it, paid attention in class, took OK (if sometimes illegible) notes, studied in short spurts when I could, looked up things I didn't understand, and tried to use my judgement when it came to planning outside activities. There were some people in my class who studied all the time (or claimed they did) and some who rarely paid attention in class and crammed before tests. Most of us were somewhere in between. We all managed to graduate, and nearly all managed to pass boards and get jobs. Having kids made it a little harder for the moms (and dad) in our class, but we were usually the ones who did the best. Probably because we were a little older and didn't party as much.

So hang in there, pray, relax, and remember that your family comes first, even before school. Now I don't mean you should neglect studying for a test to bake cookies for the school bake sale or miss class to make breakfast for you husband, but you should try your best to give your husband and kids your attention and love. I flunked out of nursing school my first time around, and I found another one and was successful the second time around. But I've only got one family! And make sure you take care of yourself as well.

Good luck and God bless you!

You can do it!! Set your mind and stay focused. A very SUPPORTIVE family helps alot, and dont just stop at the hubby and inlaws, include your sister-brother-aunts-uncles-cousins.....since they know its to better your life for your family, I'm sure they wouldnt mind the helping hand--make sure though, that they are aware the length of time u will need their support....GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS!!


Those of you from Indiana. Where in Indiana are you? Would be kinda cool to meet a potential classmate......offer support, make some lasting friendships.... I am from Goshen, IN

I am a brand new student enrolled in a distance learning program for my general ed courses. Basically, I will use study guides supplied by Chancellors learning center to pick up my general ed credits. Then on to IUPUI for my nursing classes. I am 35 years old with no previous college. I have 3 kids, ages 14, 12, 3 and I am married. So far I am going really slowly until I get all three in school. I have a really good friend who is running a daycare who will be a lifesaver during my hospital classes. I am in Greenfield, IN.


I'm in Richmond!!!



i'm 28 years old married with 3 kids 8,5,4 and the youngest will start pre-k in the fall with the other kids. i'll plan my schedule around theirs so I can be home when they arrive. I'm really looking forward to starting school and doing lots and lots of praying.

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