I'm pregnant!!

Nursing Students General Students


Took a couple tests over the weekend and they were positive. I called my midwifes office and made my 1st appointment. Ok, we are excited!! I'm in my last semester and we knew we wanted another eventually and I'm glad it's happening now that school is almost over. However I'm worried about finding a job! I have fertility issues and have needed meds to get pregnant with both my kids, so this is a ******* miracle and didn't expect it to happen, lol. We planned on waiting until I was working before seriously trying. So I'll be about 4 months pregnant at graduation and plan on taking the boards ASAP after that. How likely is it that an employer will discrimate against hiring a pregnant person? I know legally they probably can't, but I know it probably happens, right? Any experience with this?

Specializes in None yet.

so crunchy mama are you on motheringdotcom, thebabywearer or diaperswappers?

totally ot to nursing but had to ask with a name like yourse!

that sucks...er I mean congrats?

Mamayogibear, I used to be on mothering.com but due to nursing school I left such sites to concentrate more on school. Never been on the other sites you've mentioned. :)

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