I had such a good day and had to share...

Nursing Students General Students


First let me say that my instructor is so cool. This particular rotation, he gave me shifts in all the units I wanted. One of the shifts that I asked for was OB because I love it there. I had my first clinical of the year there yesterday and my second today. Yesterday, I took care of a postpartum mom and infant. The nurse said I "did a good job". Today, I requested to be in labor and delivery.

The first good thing was that I got to do my first IV start. The nurse asked me to tell her the procedure before I started and I did. As I got into the vein, I totally froze and said that I didn't know if I was in. She then said to look for blood in the chamber (silly me, I actually said that to her as I explained the procedure). I actually got the cath in without going through the vein (my worst fear with an IV start) with minimal nervousness. I was quite pleased with myself.

The second good thing was that I got to see a baby be born, the placenta delivered, and mom stitched up. Now, that was neat.

The third good thing was that I was with another laboring mom and I learned about therapeutic touch. There was a language barrier and I stayed with her for most of her labor and tried to keep her comfortable. I got pretty creative when trying to communicate.

The fourth good thing was that I met the head of OB and she asked me questions about liking OB. She asked me if I was passing classes and planned on taking my boards after graduation. She probably won't remember me when I go back next quarter, but hey, at least it is a start in getting my foot in the door.

The fifth good thing is that I was talking to my instructor after conference and he told me that the nurses had such good things to say about me today. They said that I was independent, and just went and got things done without being told, my charting was good, and I was pretty cool to work with. That totally means alot to me since six months ago, I considered myself completely hopeless in the clinical setting.

Ok, I know that I have written a whole lot, but I thought that I should share. Today was a great learning experience and actually am looking forward to writing it up for my follow up paperwork....Crazy, huh? :p

:Melody: kimmicoobug

:balloons: WONDERFUL WONDERFUL :balloons:


Great news. Hope we all do as well as you... Now, go and relax:)

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