I flunked out of clinical today..

Nursing Students General Students


I`m devastated.. This was my last semester.. 3 weeks away from graduation. What happened is I didn`t have my watch for clinical and that was a break in dress code.. and when I went to take a vital sign i was confronted with the problem that there was no clock anywhere around and I had no watch.. I went and took out my cell phone and used the timer to get the exact 30 second count. I had my back to the door at that point because i wasnt really sure my instructor wanted to see my phone out .. I couldn't feel the radial pulse so well.. I was nervous and recorded the wrong number. I handed them my vitals and it was way off.. the HR.. I looked at it and thought to myself that`s not right .. my instructor said go do it over again .. I did with another student and had a number that was way different but I used the apical pulse which I could hear much better. Now I get sent to the office and told that I falsified medical records to try to cover up my mistake of not having a watch. I am kicked out of the program .. my instructor said that she did not see my cell phone and that she was watching me the whole time.. that i was facing her and looking at the door to see if there was clock hanging.. This did not happen. I don`t know how I can prove it. Its basically my word against hers and i`m like devastated.. She keeps saying that my story changed.. that the second time i got the HR i got 117 and then told someone else it was 170.. which was completely false I even wrote down 170, with another student watching me right there (its a child, that`s why so high), and I`m not entirely sure why she would be so insistent to say this.. I was like flabbergasted at all of this.. shell shocked and maybe I didn`t express myself properly but I didn`t change my story .. I might have misspoke .. i mean hell when she took me to the waiting room to talk to me about this and I told her I listened to the HR for 30 MINUTES.. when obviously I meant seconds.. I`m just very upset right now.. 3 years of my life and it ends like THIS!!? Now I don`t know if i will ever go back into the program .. I need to write a letter in my defense for when the teachers have their meeting about this where they decide whether to take me back for next semester.. or any semester. It`s devastating.. I`m taking 1 day off to clear my mind and then start writing this tomorrow.. anyone have any idea what I can write.. I don`t know if theres anything I can do to get them to change their minds. This is so awful

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

Just because some of us are still in school doesn't make our advice/opinions any ”lesser” than those who graduated. The OP is obviously still in school and if she/he is dropped entirely from the program over a misunderstanding, that merits legal assistance. Granted this is only my opinion and what I would do if I were in her situation if *all else* fails. Meaning she tried the letters, phone calls, talking to the dean/director, you name it!

In my personal experience I've never been afraid to take a legal route (being my last option.) It's probably because I felt I had to and haven't had a bad outcome yet. Once you go ”there” people don't mess with you.

If you refer to the text in your quote, you will notice that I never said/implied that anyone's opinion was better/worse than anyone else's: I simply suggested that opinions be taken with a grain of salt.

I happen to know a nurse who engaged in legal action with her school. She was blackballed by the well-connected faculty and spent well over a year trying to get a job. I have been around long enough to know that head-on attacks are often not the best course of action in nursing.

If you refer to the text in your quote, you will notice that I never said/implied that anyone's opinion was better/worse than anyone else's: I simply suggested that opinions be taken with a grain of salt.

Well, allow me to retort by quoting you:

many responses are from people that are thinking of going to school or still in school or flunked out of school. Take everything with a grain of salt.

If that doesn't ”imply” what I previously said I might as well scratch my head and question the English language.

This is not the first time I have come across somebody imply exactly what you just said on this forum. Please don't ”go” there.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

I am sorry you are taking this so personally. My comments were made to help the OP not to single anyone out, and like any others, should be taken with a grain of salt. It sounds as if you are viewing this in the light of your own bad experiences with people implying that your opinion is worth less than theirs. If that's the case, make a thread about it and let people contribute to it. This is a thread for the OP's problem.

The only place I have "gone" is giving advice to the OP.

You have my deepest sympathies. I flunked out of clinical last week. I did very well in the lecture courses, but got nervous and fumbly while being observed. I'm so depressed I can't even begin to tell you. Plus I have troubles at home with a seriously depressed husband who, after thirty years of marriage, announced he wanted to divorce me.

I've been struggling with getting into nursing school, overcoming obstacles, and bouncing back from defeats for two years now. My school has had enough of me. I'm not blaming them.

But what do I do now? Maybe home health care would be an option. I have to get back on my feet before my self esteem sinks any lower.

People flunk clinicals all the time. I agree with those who say to own up to your mistakes. But it's good to have a back-up plan too.

I know there is something for me out there in the health field. I have to finish out this semester and think of a new plan. First thing is to get a volunteer job so I don't sit home in my jammies all day.

Please keep me in your prayers.


Thoughts and prayers

Something similar happened to my friend. She was a great person and we all filled up letters to the dean to help her out. Nothing helped and she was kicked out of nursing school.

Her reason is the clinical instructor would always pick on her. (it was the truth). One day my friend got so angry/sad and started crying uncontrollably. She left the clinical site because she couldn't stop crying and that was the last of her.

She was one semester from graduating and lost it all because of that instructor. The weird thing is that same clinical instructor was very nice to me. Almost too nice. It seems she picks on one person each group she gets.

I hope things turn out ok for you. I have learned alot from this and I will never have my phone with me during work (if i pass the nclex and get a job). I will have it in my car.

Yes, phones and nursing is a huge thing for some reason. Beware. Also don't be afraid of "lawyering up" and reading the school policy book and consulting with student advocates.

Something similar happened to my friend. She was a great person and we all filled up letters to the dean to help her out. Nothing helped and she was kicked out of nursing school.

Her reason is the clinical instructor would always pick on her. (it was the truth). One day my friend got so angry/sad and started crying uncontrollably. She left the clinical site because she couldn't stop crying and that was the last of her.

She was one semester from graduating and lost it all because of that instructor. The weird thing is that same clinical instructor was very nice to me. Almost too nice. It seems she picks on one person each group she gets.

I hope things turn out ok for you. I have learned alot from this and I will never have my phone with me during work (if i pass the nclex and get a job). I will have it in my car.

Specializes in Psych, LTC/SNF, Rehab, Corrections.

I wouldn't be threatening anyone with lawyers. You have the school's ear and you're being given a chance. The other instructors will go to bat for you if you've been a good student, thus far.

Just explain yourself. No blaming. No anger. Just be honest. Pure facts.

If you know that they're planning to kick you out? Seek legal advice.

Threatening this school with legal action right off the bat? That's a good way to get the reject button. Don't do it.

Are you in the wrong? Not to me. However, I also believe that the school has no reason to NOT believe the instructor, 'specially with you emoting and 'fumbling' about. Seems like you didn't defend yourself properly. I mean, I'm reading your responses and I'm confused. LOL I can't figure out what VSs were the initial.

First it was 170-117...then it was 98- 100-something? I get the gist, though.

I'm not giving legal advice, but screaming, 'I'm gonna get my lawyer' might make things worse. It's overkill.

I guess what I meant to say is that if she was on the job she could have asked a coworker to borrow a watch etc.. Being a student she was afraid of getting in trouble. Her mistake was just not fessing up to not having a watch but if she has a instructor that is anything like mine I can understand she was scared in the moment and made a bad decision. I think its crazy that would be grounds for dismisal. Btw still not sure why using a cell phone is wrong. It's a must to have a cell phone for us at clinical for using the drug apps and texting the instructor when we need her.


OP's seeming lack of confidence in her abilities was spurred on by the 'missing watch/dresscode' situation. She was trying to hurry up, palpate and take it with her cell before the instructor took notice. I understand. Had she gone to my school, the clinical instructor would've sent her home for being 'without her equipment'. A zero for the day...all but ensuring that you don't graduate with your class. My school patch fell off my uniform and 10 points were deducted from my grade.

I mean, really?

As I see it, the OP was just nervous. She's recording info incorrectly and fumbling about.

Seems like she probably had the correct HR the first time.

If the second but accurate HR was 117, per first post....and she initially 'recorded' 170 (perhaps meaning 107 OR 117...doesn't 170 kinda sound like 117)? I'm thinking that she wasn't that far off, the first time.

Besides -- if 'covering up' were the intent, wouldn't an individual pick a 'normal/less critical' HR...or something in line with the pt's norms?

Anyway, you know how many times I've loaned my BP cuff and thermometer to a nurse? D'you know how many times I had to borrow my coworker's watch (mine was broken) before I rec'vd my first check? It happens.

I totally understand where you are coming from. I have never gotten bad vitals before and have never charted anything inaccurately. I have never covered any other tasks.. but they said right when I was talking to them I wonder if you would be truthful in making a med error/mistake if you did something like this- it really has to do with character. patient was 2 yrs old, HR was under 98 the first time and 160 when doing apically .. the colleague did not do the HR, he just went in with me to let me use his watch.

I understand the purpose, but I can't even say this would qualify as a correct assessments of one's character.

I'll tell you like this: I wouldn't have said crap about a cheating classmate. Perhaps in the beginning of nursing school when it would've ****** me off to know that someone's taking the top spot that the rest of us were earning. But...by the end school? It didn't matter much. Whatever was going on, I didn't want to be bothered with it. I didn't need anyone mentioning my name. I was just like, "Gimme my damned genie lamp and let me get the hell outta here!" LOL

Now? I can say that I wouldn't. That's them.

Let NCLEX weed them out. It's not a hard test, but...it does 'assume knowledge' and tests crit thinking abilities. Also, ensures that the new nurse has 'minimum competancy'. So, if the cheater can pass boards? They obviously know a thing or two. They've earned the right to call themselves, 'Nurse'.

Does that have anything to do with my real world conduct? Nope.

I'd tell in a heartbeat if someone were diverting meds. LOL I will sing like a canary on my own mother! Are you kidding me? When the count's off and cannot be explained or corrected? The pooh is about to hit the fan. Any and everyone who'd done the count is coming under fire. Licenses are on the line.

So, if I see anything odd? I'm tellin'! I'm gonna tell! LOL

The nurse cart doesn't have many meds or narcs. I dislike holding the med aide cart keys, though. I did med aide for the first week of my GVN training. Ugh. I want as little to with 'The Med Cart' as possible.

I've had one med error in 5 months (non-narc. I gave the anti-htn meds w/o taking the bp/hr even though I brought the d*mned steth/cuff in the room and WROTE 'TAKE BP' ON THE FREAKIN' CUP AS A REMINDER! sigh. It was one of those days. I was all over the place. Juggling multiple tasks and that's what did it). Her hr was in the 40's. Low to begin with. I thought, "Oh crap!"

Yes...I did inform. I was embarassed, but I didn't think twice about doing it.

(Gave her a coke, pushed fluids and took bp and 'cont'd to monitor'. She was fine.)

Good luck to you.

For those of you who say "not to lawyer up", you really should go back and read the original posts... OP really has no more choices left, she has one more opportunity to write a letter but the decision has already pretty much been made. So, let the letter MEAN something like "I have rights and I am not gonna let you take them away without a fight."

By the way, many here keep saying to do it the "professional way." This is the professional way, this happens every day in this country, a professional does not sit on his/her rearend and simply let people bulldoze them.... You fight for fairness, it shows that you are a professional and may indicate what kind of patient advocate you are... If you can't fight for yourself, what kind of fight are you gonna put up for your patients when they need you???...

Specializes in IV/Infusion.

For the op,

I have not had time to read all of the comments and good advice, so I don't know if it has been mentioned.......are the credits you have transferable? If so give it your best try by honestly and earnestly applying to another school, I'm sure the question will come up "why are you applying here now, when so close to graduation?" either then begin to explain or possibly the better way is to explain to the powers that be before applying. If it is a "school rule" that was broken and no further complaints to the state, NLN or anything similar.......then attempt it and give it all you have with humility and kindness. It's a real heart-breaker to be kicked out at this point and hopefully some one will agree with that and be willing to take you. How are your grades ......... any warnings or disciplines against you before this? Don't give up at any cost, I failed to prime my line before connecting it o-0...I was a nervous wreck...some one took pity on me, but I went through a really bad time first. Please let us know how you're doing.

sorry guys... just read all of the posts that i havent had a chance to read in the last few days. Happy Turkey and Black-friday day! I have since sent out my plea letter, with several friends/coworkers/neighbors/RN`s vouching for me with their letters as well. Hopefully this helps a little.. i`ll know by late-december which is a little odd that i`m made to wait this long.. anyways I know a lot of people are saying to sue.. and some are saying to definitely not sue.. but I don`t think I want to hurt my chances by suing or threatening legal action before i know the ultimate decision .. they could end up giving me another chance even without doing this.. there is always time to go the extra mile after getting their "verdict". Thank you everyone, by the way, for your honesty, opinion, and sympathy. I really did not know what to do when this news hit.. and I don`t know if my plea letter would have been half as good if I didn`t have the help of the people at this forum giving me good advice! I will continue to check this forum for any extra tid-bits anyone would have.. and i`ll keep you posted on what I learn following the *gulp* month of waiting for their reply.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
So, let the letter MEAN something like "I have rights and I am not gonna let you take them away without a fight."...

Just curious, what exactly are his/her rights in this case?

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
sorry guys... just read all of the posts that i havent had a chance to read in the last few days. Happy Turkey and Black-friday day! I have since sent out my plea letter, with several friends/coworkers/neighbors/RN`s vouching for me with their letters as well. Hopefully this helps a little.. i`ll know by late-december which is a little odd that i`m made to wait this long.. anyways I know a lot of people are saying to sue.. and some are saying to definitely not sue.. but I don`t think I want to hurt my chances by suing or threatening legal action before i know the ultimate decision .. they could end up giving me another chance even without doing this.. there is always time to go the extra mile after getting their "verdict". Thank you everyone, by the way, for your honesty, opinion, and sympathy. I really did not know what to do when this news hit.. and I don`t know if my plea letter would have been half as good if I didn`t have the help of the people at this forum giving me good advice! I will continue to check this forum for any extra tid-bits anyone would have.. and i`ll keep you posted on what I learn following the *gulp* month of waiting for their reply.

Hope you had a good holiday, and wish you the best when that letter comes.

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