How do I avoid the drama and cliques?

Nursing Students General Students


I'm only in the pre-nursing program right now, but from what I've been reading there can be some drama in Nursing School. How do you avoid it and stay focused? Do you just distance yourself from everyone? What happens if you have to do a project or clinical with one of the troublemakers? Just asking lol.

Don't go in expecting everything to be extremely drama filled or difficult. Realize people say meaner things in frustration or sleep deprivation. Make friends, talk to everyone, and don't say anything to anyone you wouldn't want everyone in class to know.

It's a long and stressful two years to spend without some allies!! Good luck to you :)

Hearing that stuff like this goes on surprises me because my class of 26 (we've had 4 people drop out so far) is so close to one another and I can't imagine it any other way. There are definitely groups of 3, 4, or 5 of us that gravitate more toward each other. 5 or 6 of us gather during lunch on our "long day" of the week for lunch to laugh and joke and unwind while others stay in the classroom and cram...but we NEED that Tuesday Lunch Club to get through! Everyone supports and helps and encourages each other and it's wonderful. We all competed to GET here...there's no more reason to compete! Sure, in clinicals you have to be vigilant about claiming opportunities to do cool stuff but we are all good-natured about it.

I don't get the cliquiness and back-biting and one-upping. I really don't.

I knew a couple of people going in to the program so I had a little bit of an advantage. What I did was watch other people in the beginning. The girls that talked about partying and drinking all weekend I avoided, while the girls who also stayed away from the drama, I made friends with them. I got lucky though, all the girls in my clinical group turned out to be really cool so I hang out with a couple of them in class.

Specializes in Nurse tech in CCU.

Learn from my personal experience. TRUST NO ONE!

People who you think are your friends and that you confide in will be quick to tell a teacher and get you into LOTS of trouble! Stay to yourself and only help yourself. no one else.

I am far from a drama llama, but holy heck it has followed me! I need to switch my perfume or something. I have a few close friends, and a lot of people know me, but only because I am our schools NSNA VP. I thought it'd be fun, good for my resume...haha! It's been more of a headache most times. but, I still have fun, I won't let the drama lovers ruin my experience!

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