Getting Excited About NS

Nursing Students General Students


i am getting excited and nervous about nursing school. i start on monday. it is creeping up fast. i went yesterday and bought my books and two uniform tops. it all cost me $686. i knew it was going to be at least $700. i just hope and pray that i pass. i have been a ma for 6 years and all i want to do is be a registerd nurse. i love to work with patients. i can do the clinical aspect, but the testing is hard for me. i have been practicing nclex questions the past couple of weeks hoping it will help me. :)

It is soooo exciting!!

I had a very difficult time with test taking. Do what YOU need to do - do not worry about what others think. I chewed gum, wore a watch and earplugs and sat against a wall to help me with my test taking. Also, remembering to BREATHE really helps!:D

Also, our school offers free counseling services and I let down my pride and went to speak with them. They offered great tips and gave me the encouragement I needed.

Another tool I used was a self confidence c/d that I listened to every night right before going to sleep - sounds silly - but I am now an RN!! Good luck!

congrats on getting in! I'm extremely excited as well. I cannot WAIT to dive in and read something other than my NCLEX review book. Wish my books would hurry up and get here (tick...tick...tick...) I ordered mine online. Well all but my A&P which I've been putting off for two weeks now.

I've always worked a desk job, and I'm really looking forward to getting up off of my butt and away from shuffling papers. More than that though, I just LOVE school. I have often considered teaching (and more recently...teaching nursing) because I love school so much.

Good luck to us both! May it be a year (or two) that will show us what we're made of!

Yay! I'm excited too (starting in less than a month).

It IS way more expensive than I thought though- uniforms, badges, insurance, etc...

Did anyone else have to buy the $350/year ATI testing package?

Congrats!!! Studying NCLEX questions really does help. Keep it up.

Oh and about the ATI package, cpartrid...we have it too. They didn't let us know about that expense until afterwards.

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