First A&P exam a flop!!!

Nursing Students General Students


:o I got my tests back this evening. My lecture exam I got a 66%. I really thought I did better than that. This test covered the cell, RNA/DNA, molecules etc. One good thing is we get to drop the lowest test grade so this might have to be mine. The lab test on the other hand was very good, I got a 95% on that. The lab is 25% of our grade. Thank goodness for that. I know that I am better at identifying than defining. I have two weeks until the 2nd exam which will cover metabolism, cellular tissue and the integumentary system. I sure hope I can study better for that one. Any ideas to help me improve on my tests would be greatly appreciated.

OMG 2Amigos!!!

Please don't cry in class.

That sounds pretty tough putting both A&P 1 and 2 together.

I had A&P I during a condensed summer session this past summer.

We had class 2 days a week for 4 hours each day. And we had a quiz before every lecture.

Our teacher zipped through the material so fast. I know what you are going through.

The best thing that worked for me was to just go into lecture and take notes and not try to think about or understand what the teacher was lecturing. I just wrote out my notes and then would read the book and kind of teach myself.

Don't stress too much please, it's not worth crying about. Just go in with an "empty mind". Which is pretty easy for me - LOL!

Take care,


Well Colleen and Ashe,

My school has Anatomy (1 class) and Physio (1 class) it's like A & P 1&2 combined. So that's the same thing for me. We had our test monday on 7 chapters after 2 weeks of school! Cells, DNA, Tissues, let's not forget the Chemistry part of it! So I have another testin anatomy on the same chapters I don't even feel like opening the book as I sense that I will get more confused. Since I have my test tomorrow mornign I will just wake up at 4 review for 2 hours and leave at 7... My test is at 10 but I have other classes with quizes and so on. Who said school was easy?


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