ABSN vs Direct-Entry Masters

Nursing Students General Students


Hey everyone,

I'm new here and just wanted to get some opinions. I graduated with a BSN in Communications in 2016. Since then, I've struggled with understanding what I really want and have been a little frustrated with myself because I don't have any desire to do anything in my field. Instead, I've found myself drawn to becoming a nurse practitioner. I live in Ohio and am really wanting to stay in state for my programs.

Is it better to get an ABSN and work for awhile before going back to gain a degree to become an NP or to just do it all at once? If you're entering into either of these types of programs, what helped you choose one over the other? I realize it's something that will be different from individual to individual, but hearing other people's reasoning can be helpful sometimes! Thanks. :)

Specializes in Critical care.

I never considered a direct entry program. I attended an ABSN program with the thought of going back to school to become a NP. I really don't know when I'll go back to school. I really love my current job and want to learn as much as I can.

Specializes in SRNA.

I've considered direct entry programs but the cost of those programs is what forced me to attend an ABSN. My ABSN is 47K in tuition and fees alone but with scholarships it came down to 27K. For direct entry MSN I would be looking at 80K+ and I'd have to go back for post-masters FNP certification so it made sense to do ABSN --> MSN-FNP instead of Direct Entry MSN--> Post-MSN FNP.

Which program did you attend?

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