What a Nightmare.... (Humorous)

So, the alarm went off at 5 am, me, I'm still tired so I hit snooze. Finally, 6:30 rolls around and I'm jumping out of bed and scrambling to be at work by 7. Arrive at work at 6:59, rush to clock in, realize, hey, my badge is still at the house. Okay, no big deal. I fill out a paper for my time. Report to the morning meeting and sit down to get report. My boss is looking at me and keeps licking the side of her lip. I'm thinking what the heck is wrong with this lady? Nurses Announcements Archive Article


What a Nightmare.... (Humorous)

Finally, I realize that I have dried tooth paste on the side of my mouth. I excuse myself and wash it off. While doing that I realize that my hair is still in the pony tail that I put it in before I went to bed. Oh joy. I wet my hands and run my fingers through it, pull it up in a bun and return to my meeting. What a wonderful day, eh?

At least I was minty fresh.

Meeting is over and it is time to get busy. I hop in the car and start heading to my first patient's home when I hear....... Yep, you guessed it.




The low fuel light is blinking. I pull up at the gas station and go in to pay for some gas. Guess what else, I don't have a wallet on me.

Embarrassed I rush out of the store, jump in the car and head to the house. Once there I find my wallet sitting on the kitchen table. I grab it and head back out to the car. I am silently whispering a prayer that I can make it back to the station, and just ahead of me I see the gas signs. 3.89, 3.89, and the farthest one away, 3.79. Me, being the tightwad I decide to head to the lowest priced place I see. I go to turn into the parking lot and the car dies.

Out of gas... I'm halfway in the turning lane, halfway in the oncoming traffic lane. Car won't start, luckily no cars coming. I get out and get the car going enough to "coast" the rest of the way into the parking lot. Go in to pay for my gas and they won't accept a 100 dollar bill.

I'm almost in tears.

Finally, I give the cashier my 100 dollar bill, tell her I am going to fill up and to give me the rest in lotto tickets. Heck, the day couldn't get any worse, right?

I get my gas and head to my first patient's home, not there. Lotto tickets are sitting in the passenger seat, completely forgotten. Head to my second patients home. Assessment is done, visit extended d/t pt having a lot of complicated family dynamics. The day is already getting better, yeah right. Arrive at the local nursing home to see 3 patients. No problem there. The day really is getting better, until as I'm leaving the nursing home the DON stops me to let me know my pants are on inside out.

I laugh it off and give her a brief rundown of my morning so far. We share a nice laugh, I go into the restroom and turn my pants right side out. Hey, no problem.

I return to my first patients home and do a visit. They are upset that I hadn't arrived early that morning. I offer no explanation, just apologize. We finish the visit on good terms. No problem. I give the pt a lotto ticket to scratch, it's one of his favorite past times and my version of a peace offering.

As I'm leaving all I can think about is my bed. I just want to crawl into it and pass out. I pull up in my drive, thirsty, hungry, tired. But I scratch the tickets. Won 5 bucks. Hey, it could have been worse. I could have lost it all. As I'm walking into the house I get a call. My patient won a load of money off of the ticket I gave them. Yeah, that's my luck and I could just kick myself in the butt.....





I roll over to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock and then think twice after the nightmare I just had. I'm up and outta bed at 5 am. I double check after I brush the teefers. No toothpaste mustache, comb my hair, check the pants. Grab the wallet off the table, and when I got in the car I had 3/4 of a tank of gas. Hey, this was gonna be a good day.

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Specializes in Nursing, Midwifery, Public Health.

Some days are like that, beleive me!