What on earth did nursing students do before the internet and msg boards??

Nurses General Nursing


I am continually amazed at how many posts we get here from students, asking to be spoon-fed information for them to write a paper, or do a presentation, or finish a care plan.

Here's an idea - take this opportunity to hone your critical thinking skills. Pretend a message board full of nuses does not exist. How might you find this information?

Hmmm...your textbook.

Your instructor.

Student colleagues

Pubmed searches. Hopefully you're aware of Pubmed and how to do searches. If not, here's the link, it's a very valuable site: Entrez-PubMed

How about nurses with whom you work or do clinicals?

Is a message board full of strangers you don't know really your best source? Probably not. We may be a bunch of hairy men living in our moms' basements. You don't know us and what our knowledge base is.

So, in summary....spoon-feeding you information is NOT going to help you develop your critical thinking skills and discernment. Please do your own homework.


Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

It's kind of like the people that say that they cannot exist without carrying a cell phone on the floor. They act like their entire family/career/life will implode if they cannot be reached every second.

Some how my child and family managed to survive without minute to minute calls.

In regards to the homework requests, which place slightly lower than the requests for medical/legal advice, what is even more annoying is many of those posting, can't seem communicate well. I am not talking about an occasional misspelling, or a single missed punctuation mark, but whole posts that are almost unintelligible.

Not all of the nursing students! I have never thought to ask a homework question on the board. I learn by researching my own information

or talking with other students.

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