Thank Goodness for Good CNAs

Nurses General Nursing


I just wanted to start a thread to let CNAs know how much they are appreciated - I'm sure it's not the first one, but, let's call it a reverse vent

I work nocs, so less staff than all other shifts. My noc CNAs are a lifesaver. I can count on them to not just 'do their job' but predict my needs. When I am tied up with a labor patient and have another patient with an unusually scheduled med, my aides will find me and ask if they should call the nursing supervisor to hang an antibiotic, etc...

My aides know when to get the delivery table set up and when to just 'hold tight' if there is a good chance for a C-section. Heck, they even know when I need a cup of coffee and haven't had a chance to get to the coffee pot.

Please don't ever feel like you are unappreciated or that your job is not important. If it weren't for CNAs doing their job well, I could never do mine. THANK YOU ALL.

When is CNA day? It should be a whole week, as far as I'm concerned.

In New Hampshire it was June 8 this year...not sure if every state celebrates? :)

When is CNA day? It should be a whole week, as far as I'm concerned.

Actually in my hospital we are celebrating CNA appreciation week. They do it once a year. Not sure if it a Texas thing or what.

Specializes in Almost everywhere.

CNAs are the foundation of healthcare and I have learned a great many things from most all that I have ever worked with. They are my hands, eyes and ears. I could not be who I am without them. I could not be who I am hadn't I been a CNA first. Thank you each and every one of you for what you do.

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