Scheduling C-Sections for Convenience Nurses Thoughts?

Nurses General Nursing


In the past few months I've heard of Ob's actually scheduling C-sections for convenience.

A friend of mine recently went to a local OB when she found out she was pregnant. At the first appointment the doc informed her he would schedule a c-section when her time came. At the first visit? He went as far as to imply that a c-section or induced labor is far more confenient for both the mother and the doctor. We did some polls of other women in the community, and the story was the same throughout. One mother of four reported the OB informed her that there is less of a risk of malpractice with c-section. (Yes, she switched doctors)

Ummm... that seems ridiculous!

As a woman who has given birth, I know well the body's natural instincts toward pregnancy and labor. Our bodies are designed for pregnancy and childbirth. I would think that natural birth would be best for mother and baby.

And to schedule major surgery for convenience borders on ethics violations.

Or am I completely missing something?

As nurses have you witnessed something like this? Your thoughts on it?

It just seems to me that natural birth would be best for Mommy and baby. I would also think that if a mother had to have pain relief (medicine) for post C-section pain, then her milk would be worthless. The baby needs the milk. And mommy needs to be able to get back on her feet. A gaping hole in the gut could hinder newborn care.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.
I agree. These hollywood stars are making it seem like a lady partsl birth is taboo. Why have a c-section if its not necessary?

We don't know why any celebrity has a cesarean. It could be convenience, aesthetics (throw in a tummy tuck), active herpes, doctor's fear of getting sued, or a variety of other reasons.

Birth is a natural process that can go very wrong very quickly. Frankly, I've seen enough autoimmune disease that I don't trust "the body's innate wisdom" to handle anything.

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.

When the insurance companies stop paying for them...people will stop getting them.

Personally, I think a physician that does such a thing should not be practicing medicine.

I had a c section with my daughter and i would have given anything to have done it naturally/lady partslly. I honestly dont know why women chose to have a c section. The lady in the bed opposite me was up and about within hours where as i could barely move-She also got to go home earlier than i did.

Yes child birth is a scary thought but i dont think people realise the risks involved in c sections.

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