Pregnant in Nursing School....

It was my second year of my four year BSN program. My very first set of actual nursing clinicals. The ones where we actually went somewhere, and that was a LTC. I was excited, scared, and every other emotion all combined. I was actually more emotional than I pictured myself. I was so emotional I was nauseated. I was exhausted. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

On our third clinical day I went to watch a nurse do a dressing change. Wound care, how exciting! I was absorbing information like a sponge. Then, suddenly it all hit me. The nausea, the exhaution, the weakness all came at once. I excused myself, walked out of the room into the hall, slid down a wall, and passed out. I remember a nurse coming up to me and asking if I was okay, and my clinical instructor being called over the intercom. "Great," I thought. Here I am, in a facility where I should be helping, and learning, and I'm being surrounded by staff. I came back to, alert and oriented, Vitals WNL, BS a little low but not critical. Then, my clinical instructor asked the golden question... "Could you be pregnant"

Well, I could. I'm married, and along with that comes the, ummm... "act" that causes pregancy. But I couldn't be. The doctors said so. It would take "medical intervention" and we had been unsafe for 5 years. "I'm not pregnant, there's no way." To which my clinical instructor said "call your husband, have him pick you up, and stop by the store and pick up a pregnancy test."

Well, okay. I still thought there was no way I was pregnant, but what could I do? She would ask the next day about the results, and I didn't want to lie. So, off to the store we went. My husband took a friend to the clinical site to pick up my car and took the test.

I follow the instructions, wait the period of time and look at the test. Whew.... two lines...that means...wait a minute, I look at the directions again. I look at the test. The directions. The test. I'm pregnant. When my husband comes home I have him verify there are indeed two lines.

I'm scared. I gave up a decent job to go to nursing school. My husbands work was erratic. We didn't have health insurance. Most of the time we didn't even have an extra five dollars. What will we do? My mind goes on a brain storm? Quit nursing school and find a job. Work part-time and go to nursing school. What can we sale? What will we have to buy?

Fast forward four years.... today. My son was born during the summer, but I slowed down nursing school and worked any job I could find that would fit within daycare hours. Americorps, tutoring, at the daycare itself. It took five years to complete my four year degree, but it was completed. We had to used Medicaid for my pregnancy and son, but we have health insurance now. We were on food stamps for awhile, but can afford our own food now.

So many people didn't know how I could "do it"- go to nursing school and have a baby. I didn't know how those who worked full-time or spent hours partying or in their sorieties could do it. Things just came together. Sure, there were days and nights I was exhausted. Days I left the daycare in tears because I didn't want to leave my baby. Days I counted out change for milk. However, no matter what the challenge that arose I chalked it up to being a bad day and pressed forward.

I graduated last May. I had a job before graduation because I worked in the hospital as a student nurse and did my practicum on the floor I wanted. I also graduated with a 3.94. Inducted into Sigma Theta Tau. Passed NCLEX in 75 question and 30 minutes.

Today, my son doesn't have to go to daycare anymore. Between my husband's schedule, my schedule, and his preschool schedule, there isn't the need. I don't have to count change for milk anymore. I don't have to pray that my gas tank makes it one more day. In fact, we are taking our first family vacation to Disney in a couple of months.

Don't let anyone tell you that having a baby during nursing school is impossible. It's hard and tiring. Some days it seemed like the end would never come- but it did. And it was well worth the wait. I wouldn't change a thing.

Specializes in Med Surg - OR, nursing homes, hospice,.
I am taking nursing prerequisites and I struggle everyday. I am a stay at home mom to a 2 year old and a 5 month old. Right now, I attend school in the evenings. It is extremely difficult for me because my husband works long hours and we cannot afford day care. In addition, we have no close family around to help with the children.

Yes, it is possible to do well in nursing school with young children however you need SUPPORT.

I agree 100% about the whole "needing support" thing. I have a preschooler at home and am about to pop out a little baby girl and everybody is like "well at least your parents can help you out!" What they don't realize is that my parents are elderly and my in-laws live out of state. Imagine how much fun it is for me, trying to find someone to babysit last second when I have to prelab at an unexpected time and my husband won't be home for six more hours. Plunk the fact that I am 8 months pregnant and can barely walk!

I'm currently attending an LPN program in the state of CT and I'm due to have my baby in April 2012.. I'm in a eighteen month program and they only allow eight clinical days to be missed. I have reached my eighth day because I'm a high risk pregnancy and have been in and out the hospital several times. The director of the nursing program notified me about reaching my eighth day and told me if I miss one more clinical day I will be dismissed from the program. She said I better pray to god I don't deliver on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday because those are clinical days and if so I better make sure it's a Friday after 2:30pm :( I'm due to graduate in June 2012 and would really be devastated if I get dismissed from the program. I plan to return to school at least three to four days after the delivery if all goes well. I dont know what to do now since she said I'm at the end of the rope. Please advice!! Thanks

Specializes in None.

I am so glad you wrote this article! It's so inspiring and if I were to get pregnant during nursing school it IS ok and that things will work out in the end.

And to the person that had the baby on a Friday and went to school that Monday AND got an A on a test...that is AMAZING!! So inspiring and uplifting :) (sorry I forgot the username)

Thank you!