
Nurses General Nursing


I am a CNA right now in a nursing home and I feel like I have come down with this virus most likely from where I work. I have worked the night shift 3 times this week and had a real lack of sleep today (had 1 hour of sleep) before going to another job. I am up now at 4am sick to my stomach. It has been bothering me for at least 10 hours now and I threw up once. I also have a low grade fever of 99. I have not thrown up since I was in middle school, maybe earlier! (I'm 27). I read the norovirus can come on within 12 hours of exposure and last night I was involved in cleaning up after a patient for 35 mins bc there was SO much poop! I think the CNA before me didn't put the brief on right bc she was wearing a catheter. I also was involved in emptying a colostomy bag and the smell was quite extensive as she is a big lady.

I wash my hands constantly and never touch my face! Is it possible to have gotten the virus from these exposures? If so how can it be avoided? I was very careful and had triple gloves. My hands never came into contact with it. I also though I read it does not travel through air. I am a new CNa and am going to be studying nursing. I don't want to be coming down with something every week I work. Any suggestions?

Norovirus is a violent little one! I will NEVER forget that night. Simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea every 20 minutes for 12 hours is a pretty humbling experience.

oh my dear god you'd knowbif you had the nirovirus or not! i got it and it was absolutely horrible... HORRIBLE! so bad i ended up being hospitalised for 3days with severe dehydration, oh il never forget it! wasnt for a few weeks later when the hospital rang and told me my resilts cane bk norovirus positive! tgank god i havent got it since! it was my preceptor thst gave it to me,before she fecked off home and left me on my own as a 2nd year student in a+e!!

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