NANDA: Energy Field Disturbance Diagnosis

Nurses General Nursing


While studying Carpenito, I came across this diagnosis. It's pretty cool, and I wonder if anyone here has actually used it as a diagnosis. According to Carpenito, it represents a specific theory--human energy field theory--and the interventions used require specialized instruction and supervised practice. Also, in order to diagnose it, one must have thirty hours instruction in theory and practice, thirty hours of supervised practice with healthy individuals, and have completed written and practice exams. (I'm assuming that are specific to the energy field theory)

What intriques me are the interventions used. theraperutic touch in this case sounds alot like the practice of reiki. Are there any reiki Masters in here? Anyone who has ever had reiki performed on them? What are your thoughts on this? I had reiki run on me once and I admit, I actually thought clearer for a few weeks afterwards. Unfortunately,I was too busy to follow up.

Also, anyone have any thoughts on the liklihood that this is a future branch of nursing that is likely to expand as alternative med does?

Just thought this would be a fun topic to explore.


Being the smartass that i am i used it on a test, was told if i ever used it again i would fail the program, jokingly of course. All i can say is thats a stupid fu&$in dx

i wish i had known about that dx. i would have used it for

Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.

I think it has no place in medicine and actually think it's a bunch of hogwash, BUT I have to admit one thing that happened to me..

Keep in mind that I don't buy any of this BS.

My friend's mom practices Reki. After months and months of pushing, she convinced me to "sit under her lights and allow her to work on my magnetic fields". I had a cold at the time and a smoker's cough, so she was going to "balance my lungs". Sooo, skeptically, I agreed. Well, I fought hysterical laughter the entire session, but one thing did happen that was weird. My lungs didn't get any better, but my damn knee.. man, at some point she was over my leg doing her "magic" and I feel this rolling sensation in my patella...yes, kinda like something had been pulled from my knee. Didn't really hurt, was just a weird feeling. The next day, my damn knee was killing me. I'd never had knee problems in my life. The knee got better over time, still gets aggravated occassionally. My cold went away, as most do, in a few weeks (yeah I know, it takes a few weeks for the energy fields to become stable :rolleyes: ). I figure it was more likely related to a muscle strain from trying not to laugh and pee on myself throughout the whole thing.

I know we all have energy fields, but I can't buy the fact that some have "powers" greater than others. "Powers" that allow them to heal. This woman is a devot Catholic, and I once asked her how she tied this whole thing in with her religion. She gave me some off the wall answer about God choosing her to heal.

I don't buy any of it for a second, and it has absolutely NO place in a profession. Leave the magic for the circus!!

I'm Catholic, too, and don't see any conflict between HT or reiki or any other modality and my beliefs. I also don't believe that I'm chosen by God to heal or anything, but that we all have the potential for this kind of healing in us. When I practice HT, I believe that I'm using the healing power of the Holy Spirit and that's who I ask for help!

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