Moments You Wouldn't Wish To Be A Nurse !!!

Not everything that we meet in the hospital we can talk about. And by the end of the day you will feel so upset and filled with melancholy. You might not sleep and you may say this is the worst day in my work . But you go home and you sleep deeply, you may go out with you friends to have fun. And the next day comes and another sad day may come. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

When you meet a 15 years old kid with a CRF ( Chronic Renal Failure ). He's so cute and is smiling while you are taking a blood specimen.

When a 2 years old girl is kept NPO ( NOTHING PER ORAL ) and is crying for water. All I can give her as a nurse is a sips of water to wet her mouth and lips.

When you meet a 24 years old young man diagnosed with a metastatic cancer spread all over his body. And you know he is not going to make it, but you still keep smiling and ask him "Are you a fan of Real Madrid or Barcelona", he smiles and replies "Am with Barca and we won yesterday the Claccico"

When you see a mother coming every morning for her young daughter who has a congenital birth defect and she comes every morning for the last 14 years.

When a patient is dying. All the family around are crying and there is nothing you can do .

When a patient dies in your shift and you are the one covering him.

When a patients comes in complaining from a severe headache and doctors finds out that he has a malignant tumor in the brain .The patients then asks you "Nurse what do my results show , what's wrong with me ?" You can't tell him because doctors restricted that until the relatives come and they talk to them first.

When a patient comes with a 2nd degree burns all over his arms and chest .I was curious about how it happened and why he didn't run away from the fire ...... when I looked around his room I saw a wheelchair near the bed.. The patient was on wheelchair on two years from a car accident.

When you one work in a cancer control centre and everyone that comes from patients , doctors, nurses and visitors are all sad and depressed. I wondered "Is it the cancer that have the people or the people who have cancer."

When you meet a worker in the causality with an amputated leg and is having am infection in the site . He can't afford the treatment yet he was smiling and talking to me.

When you meet a 9 years old pretty girl coming to receive a chemotherapy session.

This is life .. and this is became part of our life and we adjust and move on. Because beyond all this sometimes we are able to bring the smile to those faces and we able to change things. And about that worker with the amputated leg , we the nurses were able to collect the needed money for his medications and he received the health care required. And so is the end of the stories above some are sad end others are not .

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

I loved your post. As a pediatric nurse, your statements of pt's courage and life in the midst of depression, and pain, truly describes my days working with kiddos. Some of them have very poor prognosis, or are very, very sick. Just like the little boy I had this week that I almost coded, as he kept going down hill, he just wanted someone to play paddycake with him. :crying2:

Specializes in currently in Medical.

Hi Christine !

Yea i can say that pediatric wards are most hard in that aspect. Especially when there is no cure for their illness.

Everything only proves me how nursing is a great job .. and how we have to do our part in the best way we can .

Give the hope , love and care.. !

Specializes in Oncology, Med/Surg.


Well said! People often ask me how can I stand to work on an oncology unit and isn't it so sad? My answer is this; Sometimes yes, it is but most of the time I feel very honored to be allowed to be a part of a patient's life where they are so vulnerable. We see patient's and their families at their very worst moments. It amazes me to witness the strength of these patients and their families, how they come together and support each other and to see their faith and beliefs grow. Not all my patients die. Some go into remission for years. More often, they don't. It is the younger patients that touch me the most. Several years ago I was caring for a young mother of 35. She was in her final day. Her husband had brought in a small lamp from home to keep the room dimly lit. He had a CD player in the corner playing all their favorite songs all day long. That evening he brought his 5 year old son in to see his mother. I will always remember that father holding his son near the head of the bed so the child could stroke his mother's brow. She had no hair from chemotherapy, her eyes were closed, her mouth, open and slack. As this little boy stroked his mother's brow, he saw me and said, "This is my momma, isn't she beautiful"? She certainly was. She gently passed away in her husband's arms 3 hours later. As a nurse, we share in the small joys and triumphs of a patient and their family. It might be as simple as being able to get to the garden on the roof or maybe to be able to eat the food that family has brought in. We've had weddings on our unit, we've given patient's bridal showers, and held receptions with cake, flowers, the works. This is the hardest, most awesome job I've ever had and I wouldn't want to do or be anything other than an oncology nurse.