MEN, or How I came to break my favorite unbrella

Nurses General Nursing


For over a week I have been noticing that my husband was not himself. I asked him repeatedly if he was not feeling well. He emphatically denied illness and became quite brusque when I pressed my quieries. Finally over the weekend I started to feel ill and made appointment with the doctor for both of us. I literally had to drag him to the office screaming and kicking. He accused me of trying infect him with my hypochondria and was not pleased that I had made the appointment with out his permission. The doctor found that he has a horrendous case of strep throat and sinisitus. I have it also but I am not nearly as ill. I drove us home with only my left hand on the wheel. I used my right to beat my husband over the head with my favorite umbrella.


My husband and I have been together for 6 years, in that time the only healthcare pros he has seen other than me is the local ER staff, and then only under much protest..."are you sure you can't just glue it like you did last time"...on a Skil saw wound that took 14 stitches.

We have great insurance and I had been after him to pick a doctor and schedule a check up. He finally admitted he didn't want to turn and cough for a pretty or young female...I got him in with the most grandfatherly doc I know, he has an appointment coming up soon and he reminds me!


:) Hello All,

My husband is the same way and especially hates needles! We always have the same argument ending his with ; "No man knows what true happiness is until he gets married. By then, ofcourse, it's too late".

I respond with; " If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He goes too the doctor!

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