Iwant to quit my job

Nurses General Nursing


I don't want to work in my step-down ICU. I don't enjoy the work anymore and am feeling burnt out from the lack of staffing and increase in acuity that is taking place. I like my boss and enjoy most of my co-workers. We are short staffed as it is, I don't know how to approach my boss to tell her that I want to quit. Can anyone tell me how to make a gracefull exit? I don't know how much more I can take. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

and T-bird says i just don't wanna anymore......

and please T-bird listen to my words carefully here, because they are full and respect and admiration to you.....wish manytimes i could be face to face and pat around the shoulder to those i talk to here on allnurses.com


you feel, so thus you nurse........the skills are not enough for you...........or you would not be a nurse................


but don't do it haphazardly as some may have done in their past lives(the songs, My Way by Frank Sinatra comes to the ear of memory with the theme, regrets, i have a few.....)


speak to your nurse manager.....if they are good, then they will listen.......and if not.....well, just make it part of your plan........

search out something different and do not be afraid of being honest.........but a PLANNED HONESTY.......get my driift.......

T-bird..........my thoughts and strength are with you..............

micro and out

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

When I worked at a hospital that I loved, but couldn't take the pressure of one unit anymore on a full time basis, I changed my fulltime status to a per diem status at the same hospital. I was so much happier and less burnt out after work. Whatever you decide to do, good luck to you. :)

I think the only thing you can do is give a 2 week notice that is ample time for them to find a replacement. Your whole well being is far important than stressing over burning their bridges. Life is short you don't know how many days you have left. I say if you have done all you can do! Do what makes T-bird happy damn everyone else! I get so tired of the slave mentality we have when it comes to our jobs. If you went to work and fell out with a catastrophic stroke you will be simply replaced. We are replaceable. Your good health is not! Too many jobs too many jobs.

My attitude is this because I had a dear friend pretty much walked off her job. She was going through a tough time and only requested that she have an easier assignment. Instead of trying to be sympathetic they gave her a hard assignment and she refused it and left. We all have our moments and nursing you would think would understand! I hope you find joy in whatever you decide to do. Good luck

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