Is this insane or what?

Nurses General Nursing


I have worked in the same unit for the last several years. The stress of the unit, the politics and the same old bull just really started to wear me out over the last year. When I started to feel that I was going to be physically ill going to work, I decided to find another job.

I did find another job within the organization I currently work for. I gave notice in NOVEMBER. Here rolls in January I am allowed to start my new job part-time. Problem is that my new job is full time, only I can't leave my old unit until 11 new hires are oriented. I still have to work in my old unit every 3rd 12 hour 3 day weekend until SUMMER. So it ends up that my old unit is keeping me for over 32 weeks!

It has been so bad to go to work at the old unit that I want to cry or puke anytime I think of how much longer I have to work there. This unit has done so many crappy things to me that I have really started to become bitter and attempt to vent at my peers. What I didn't realize was that there were brown noseing capabilities in the people I used to trust and admire. "We must all promote a positive enviroment for the new people". We only care about the "new" people not the people that have stuck it out.

I want to tell my old boss that I want OUT at a much more reasonable time frame than she has given me, but I am afraid of backlash and I still have to spend quite a bit of time on this unit in my new job.

SO Confused....


This was one of the first things we negotiated in our contract, a reasonable length of time the employer could hold you in an old position before they must transfer you.>

same here. They can hold us for only one schedule if they can show they need us - unless the nurse agrees to stay on longer. Otherwise the transfer is effective in 2 weeks. Have you looked at your Human Resources policy manual under the section for transfers? They may be violating their own policy.

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