I am officially broken. Vent.

Nurses General Nursing


I feel totally beat up and wiped out. I had a full patient load last night, 4 of which were confused. This was my second night like this, I asked NOT to have them all back. So what did they do?

Split them up for the day shift and gave them smaller patient load and gave them all back on night shift plus a fresh post op total care. Sorry we are short? AGAIN? Bed alarms are no good if no one comes when they go off.

The staff is spread so thin everyone is literally too busy to see past their own mess. No one CAN come. I literally can't be in all 4 of these rooms at the same time, forget the rest of my patients possibly calling.

One confused patient, over 6'2 decided to jump out of bed take off all his clothes pull out all lines, ivs, and drains and run down the hall. He spit on me and pushed me out of the way. My forearm is purple from where he grabbed me earlier in the night. Bed alarm going off, no one comes to help.

Then I get chewed out for "letting him get out of bed". I had called the md twice about his agitation and asking for something, md said no. House supervisor came after I called to see my patient load and laughed and told me good luck.

Thanks a lot. I hurt all over and just got spit on, I did not LET him do anything, I am simply not big enough to even come close to getting him back to bed if he doesn't want to. I don't have time to start all new ivs and clean up the blood bath because all my other bed alarms are going off.

I have been trying to keep these people in bed all night for 2 nights and I JUST CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE. Charge nurse had a full patient load herself. I am not superhuman. And neither is the CNA, who is just off orientation. I have a feeling she might not come back at all after the week we have had. I am considering the same.

I can't even sleep and I am so tired. No matter how much you do and how much you kill yourself to get stuff done, all they care about is what you didn't get done. I am sick of the abuse. I am sick of killing myself coming home tired and broken. I have not called in sick in over 4 years, but tomorrow night I think I might need to.

I just can't even imagine going back right now. All I do is work and sleep. I tried to take a vacation in May, but working nights and trying to be normal for a week just made me more tired.

I would email your manager about these incidents, the supervisor, maybe the cno. I never did this and sometimes wish I had. Bed alarms are USELESS if there is no one to get to them. Sometimes I hear them go off for MINUTES. and there is literally no staff memeber to assist. Days/management/staffing sometimes forgets about sundowning and how bad it can be on your typical med/surg unit.

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