How many mistakes have you made?

Nurses General Nursing


I feel horrible. I recently found out I missed an antibiotic order. I always double and triple check my orders with everything I do.

I'm a very conscientious nurse. I've been told I'm calm and never get freaked out about anything. I'm always trying to better myself. Going to inservices and studying nursing stuff.

I've grown so much as a nurse. I've been a nurse for almost 10 years. In those 10 year's I've made 3 mistakes. (that I know of) #1 A nurse told me my patients heparin was off when she did rounds. (so always the last thing I do is rounds on my patients double check everything #2 I forgot to break the seal for protonix and the nurse saw it 3 hours later. #3 Now the missing an order.

It freaks me out that I might miss something. As I say I double and triple check everything I do. I have a system where before I leave I double check everything. Med sheets, telemtry, ect.

I'm really freaked out about this mistake. I always think of myself as a good nurse now I'm wondering?!?!

Some days it seems like everything I touch turns into a mistake, murphy's law! Then other days I just can't miss, I amaze myself!

How many mistakes???

In my life in general or in nursing? :chuckle

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