Have You Thanked A Nurse Today?

Nurses General Nursing



I want to take this opportunity & thank those nurses who have touched my life in so many ways.

Thank you to the nurse who stood by my side while I was going through emotional infertility treatments. Thank you for sitting on my card to ensure I wouldn't get cancelled for an IVF cucle. My son was conceived regardless of my "less than 10% chance of success." It wasn't the Doctor who made a difference, it was you-my NURSE! Thank you for standing up for me to give me a chance at motherhood!

Thank you to the nurse who had her arms around me, holding me, comforting me when I went in for a C-Section. It took more than 5 tries to get the spinal tap in. It was the nurse who whispered in my ear "hang in there, you will be alright, don't worry". Thanks to her, I felt safe and relaxed.

Thank you to the countless nurses who cared for my mother while she was in the hospital dieing from psudonomia (spelling?) She had metastic breast cancer & had an emergency trach put in. You were all so tender with her. You kept the family informed of everything that was happening. You were compassionate, honest and went above the call of duty. THANK YOU!

Nurses may think that sometimes their work is a thankless job. But for me, I consider you anglels in disguise. THANK YOU NURSES!

Specializes in Neuro Critical Care.


What a beautiful post, gave me goosebumps and reminded me why I chose this career. I would like to thank the nurse who held my hand during an outpatient procedure when I was more scared of the results than the actual procedure. It was this nurse who made me decide to follow nursing. I hope she is doing well.

Great post! I agree totally! When I gave birth to my son, getting the doc to the hospital was like pulling teeth, but the nurses were just awesome!

Crystal J.

Justysmom, thank you so much

This is something us nurses need to hear once in a while

BTW, you are very very welcome



And to all of YOU nurses here. THANK YOU!!! I probably wouldn't be here today were it not for some special nurses.

Justysmom,You really don't know how much your gratitude has helped. This is why I became a nurse. Not the money, or the hours worked, but because I can make a difference in just one life. The patients are the only reason I work the long hours and stay in this profession. You see, patients are so scared and unsure when they come to us, that when I worked the floors early on in my career I learned that total nursing didn't just mean carrying out the technical aspects of the job, I tried to place myself in the pateints position and adopted the attitude that I would treat all my patients as if they were family members, and with this I, was able to feel really good about my days at the end of them. So to all the patients out there, I know it is you I am there for and will always be. Thank You!

Wow! What a wonderful post! It makes me feel good about being in school to become a nurse.

Thank you, you made my day brighter. As hectic as things can become in the office, I always try to think of how my patient is feeling and what I can do to help calm their fears. Sometimes I find it's just an understanding hug. :)

Several years ago, my 36 year old aunt had an MI. Thank you to the ICU nurses who did every thing they could to try to keep her here with us. Quite a few family members were allowed to camp out in the waiting room for the whole 5 days. If we dialed the extension for the nurse's station we could see her for a few minutes when we wanted, regardless of visiting hours. Thank you to whoever had the trays of food sent to us in the waiting room so that my grandma atleast picked at something. (This covers both hospitals. My aunt was originally admitted to one hospital but flown to another that did heart transplants because the damage was so extensive, although she never stabalized enough to have the surgery.) One of my uncles (one of her brothers) acted as the family spokesman to write a letter to the hospitals praising you. I hope someone there appreciates your work, but even if you feel unappreciated, you're not.

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