fatigue and SSRIs

Nurses General Nursing


I was just recently started on Paxil and have been experiencing extreme fatigue. I feel like I could sleep all day long and get drowsy while driving. Does anyone have any experience with this-- is it just specific to Paxil or to all SSRIs? I'm wondering if I would have more luck with a different SSRI but I've only been on the Paxil for 2 weeks so I feel like I should tough it out a little longer. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.

The newer meds like venlafaxine (Effexor) have fewer reported side effects. Effexor inhibits seratonin and norepinephrine. It has less sedative and anticholinergic than SSRIs. That may be a better choice for you

The second day I took Paxil I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I couldn't even sit up straight, I was so weak. Walking up the stairs was an unbelievable feat. After a few weeks, I felt better than I had ever felt before. Unfortunately, the side effects started kicking in soon after that.

Effexor had the same side effects for me, and was really awful to d/c.

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