Does god make mistakes?

I ran my fingers through his beautiful wavy hair. 3 years old next week! Wow, who would have thought! I looked to his face. Those eyelashes were longer than any I have ever seen. I swear I could feel a breeze when he blinks! Nurses Announcements Archive Article


I looked up at the doctor across the crib who is still hovering over him and checking his ventilator and trachea. Wildly he flailed as the doctor touched his abdomen. I tried to calm him by holding his hand. This is the first I noticed his fingers, some webbed together nearly to the ends, and the digits not coming from the palm in a normal way, but more like a sunburst. I looked more closely at him then. His legs were small and his feet were clubfoot. He has a feeding tube in his distended abdomen. His lips were cracked and crusted and through his open mouth, I could see several jagged sharp teeth coming from his gums at odd angles. Froth poured from his nose. Through his cheeks he had 4 pins on each side that were screwed into his jaw. The doctor was "lengthening" his jaw, it had been broken during surgery and slowly each day, the screws were separated further and further. It looked incredibly painful.

When the doctor had finished the exam, I asked, "Is he receiving physical therapy?" I wondered about his contractures in his legs. The doctor looked at me and sort of laughed. "No! I am trying to convince him mom to sign a DNR order, but she won't! This is his life, this is the best he is ever going to have. This is no life for anyone. He should not have ever gotten this far."

I looked back at the baby. His head is the size of a basketball. His features so close together they would fit in the palm of my hand. His ears line up at his jaw. He blinked and looked right through me, not even seeing me. Maybe the doctor is right, I thought. This would really be a nightmare life to have.

Back in one of my classes, we had a discussion about ethics. I think I wrote something that seemed right to me at the time; honestly, I may have just blown it off and answered what sounded good. I wish I had given it more thought. What right does anyone have to keep this child alive in this state? Why not just disconnect him from the ventilator and let him rest in peace?

Again, I ran my fingers through his hair. I changed his diaper. His bottom was so raw, it was nearly bleeding. He has chronic liquid diarrhea. I applied his barrier ointment liberally. He wears adult diapers. Size small.... This is no life, is it Little One? I looked at him and he seemed to look right into my eyes. "God doesn't make mistakes" someone said. I turned to see who was there. No one. Startled, I returned my gaze to his eyes, and he blinked, his stare gazed through me once again.

Rattled, I weighed his diaper, removed my gloves and gown and washed my hands. I sat down at the desk next to him in ICU where his paperwork is. As I was filling out his charts, his mom came in the room. We talked as she put on her gown and gloves. She climbed on the stool next to his crib and said "Hi Papa!"

I watched as they interacted. I saw the way he responded only to her, to her touch, her voice. They were connected. I saw the look of love in her eyes for him. Her face lit up, her eyes - I am not sure I have ever seen so much love in someone's eyes. I felt mesmerized by the scene, I could not stop staring at them. She talked to him and played with his hair until he fell asleep, and then she came to sit in the chair beside me.

She began to tell me about him, her family. He was the 2nd born child. She had had 8 pregnancies. After he was born, he was immediately flown by helicopter to this hospital, and she did not get to see him for over a week. He has had a lot of surgeries, she said, but he's getting better. He is my gift from God, she said. We all love him so much, his older brother wants their clothes to match so I have to buy them matching clothes, like twins! They love each other so much! He gets so happy when his older brother comes to read him stories and they like to watch cartoons together!

I wondered how much of this was fantasized in her mind - a strange way of coping with his chronic illness, I guess. Denial maybe?

But, it shook my foundation, my thoughts on who gets to "pull the plug". Who has the "right to be God"...50 years ago, he would have been dead and buried. Now, through technology, he is kept alive. Who is right? Who is wrong?

We, as nursing students, are encouraged to Know What We Believe. That way, down the road, we won't be shaken to our core when faced with situations such as this. I thought I knew what I believed. Now it is in my face. A mother looking down with kindness, compassion, care, love, gentleness and hope on her child who only seems to see her and respond to her touch and her voice.

A child that seems genuinely thrilled when she is near.

I now understood just why the mother could not sign the papers. She knew it better than anyone. God does not make mistakes.

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

cardiacrn2006 - Can I ask you something that was not clear to me?

Do you believe there's not a god? Or do you believe there is a god that is to blame for all this?

Specializes in Cardiac.

What does it matter what I believe?

Is it going to change anything? Why do I HAVE to believe one way or another? What if I believe neither options? What if I believe both?

Doesnt' matter.

This world speaks for itself.

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

Sorry, just curious, as with your posts it wasn't clear to me which way you were leaning on, so that's why I asked.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

I think those of us with life science in our backgrounds, ought have no problem recognizing there certainly are biological errors, and they are spawned by the millions everyday of the year.

Natural flaws can be seen in cornfields (conjoined cobs are about 1:100,000) as well as that certain, well-known actress with 12 toes. (Yes, she uses foot-doubles when needed)

Does God Make Mistakes is truly a touching story, and no right-thinking one of us could rightly condescend to the nurse who authored it: That is an honest question and it comes from the heart.

I've reached the point after 30 years where I believe this: The Lord started the ball rolling, and as the Creator, he or she is the Producer of our movie. But he/she leaves the Direction & the Acting, the Soundtrack & the Lyrics, the Successes & the Outtakes - to us.

After 12,200 emergency patient tragedies, I see no sign whatsoever of Divine intervention. I see humanity fumbling along, trying to make sense of it all. Heaven & Hell? Sure. They are right here with us. Likely not some invisible Nirvana in the sky.

Specializes in Cardiac.
Chapis said:
Sorry, just curious, as with your posts it wasn't clear to me which way you were leaning on, so that's why I asked.

That's because I'm not clear. My previous post was't me being snotty. What if I believe both or none? I can't really decide.

That's why I'm agnostic, and not atheist...

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

Ohhhh okay-got it, thanks!:D

Specializes in psychiatric, UR analyst, fraud, DME,MedB.
cardiacRN2006 said:
Well, I was obviously responding to something else, not to someone who experienced 6 miscarriages.

So what's right, good, or bad?

Why do I have to offer an alternative to God? Why is that my job?

I'm mearly saying, how on earth is a perfect God someone who allows the things he allows?

And while the OP story had 6 miscarriages, still borns, etc, some crack ****** is spitting out kids that are unwanted, uncared for, and probably being abused, starved or mistreated.

Who learns from that? I mean, really?

Do you know what I've learned from my battle from infertility? I didn't learn anything good, that's for damn sure. I didn't learn compassion or kindness. Nope. That's not what that battle taught me.

I learned bitterness. But, I suppose that will be described as 'my choice' or 'my fault' or 'man's fault' or pollution, or vanity, etc, etc.

Whatever it takes to justify an all powerful, kind god. Let's blame the world, but allow a god that allows suffering, cruelty, pain, etc..all to teach us something! How perfect!

:cry: I really truly feel your pain, because I have been there and could happen again to me. Yes, I too have asked those questions...I struggle with it everytime. When I hear and see on tv of children kidnapped and brutally murdered by some sick and deranged person----------I personally would like to punish these perverts , and I would make them scream for a never ending pain ! Why does God allow this? Why does God allow us to make a choice? Unfortunately there are those people that should not have any privileges of making a choice, because they are sick in the mind and in their heart and they choose to hurt others especially the innocent children-------------so what may be a solution ? Maybe we can make a choice of a stricter laws for sexual perverts containment, an after school safe place for kids ...........etc. we can have the choice of doing something about it concrete to minimize or eradicate this sick perversion . Maybe we should shoot these perverts in the public plaza for all to see...... But this is me and still struggling and will be with a lot of things. I think a lot of us is in the same boat with this.................................. but the worse scenario is getting mad at God , for this is the time I need Him more than ever! It helps when I pray and talke to Him....for truly I bleive He hears me...........I just do not understand as to how He works.

Gods do not exist. Get real! Nature makes mistakes. As a mother that has had a child born with severe deformities, I know it is selfish to keep a child alive so they can suffer. The child has no future, and will never live with any kind of quality of life. I agree with the doctor. Ending the child's suffering would be the best thing for this child, and the family. The family needs to move on with their life.

Amen, praise god!! beautifully written, thank you for reminding us that, 'faith is the substance of things hoped for & the evidence of things not seen.'

Specializes in variety of hospital areas, including OR.

This story was told very well, even showing your change of heart took courage...Not everyone is capable of taking good care of special needs is often totally heart breaking...whether the child was born this way or something traumatic caused the disease state. Often a mother or fathers heart is the only real connection that you can "actually see", like a window to the childs heart/soul...Have you ever worked with a closed head injured pt...and wondered whether there was anyone in there, and months later they actually woke up!? Its amazing, and totally unexpected, yet it does happen...Medicine is amazing, its Gods gift, and His grace, His hope applied to our lives ...but...we are only PRACTICING medicine, as nurses etc...We are His healing hands, His touch, His hug, that can be passed on from person to person...Over the yrs (or even only months) many miracles have you taken place in....have you assisted in a birth? WOW!! Have you held someones hand, or just sat with someone through the dying process...It is just really hard for me to believe that some big bang happened and all the cells lined up and poof, a human was created ...over time...yeah right...everything is essentially made out of the same ole stuff, and yet, one is a human, another a dog, and another a plant...hmm I just can't wrap my mind around that...My answer, my hearts belief is that there is a God..whatever you call your creator...its all about faith..we get too smart for our britches (I know, kind of hick sounding--but you get my drift), and all of a sudden we question our very existence...I honestly don't know where all this came from....I had a grandchild who lived a little less than an hour...the Dr...(the so called specialist) wanted my grand daughter to be born lady partslly, so that it woud quicken her death...was suppose to be "MORE HUMANE" The actual birth would probably cause her to be stillborn..During a "cheating" ultrasound to find out whether my grandbaby was a boy or girl (small town hospital---friend did an ultrasound)...the Small town Dr. was called in on a sunday Dr. M came into the hospital off of the tractor in his cowboy boots/jeans..and helped us understand what the ultrasound tech saw...My grand daughter had an omphalocele...and would need a specialized ultrasound, and specialist to determine what our next moves should be...He was kind and gave us hope...Until the specialist informed us that "IT WAS NOT VIABLE"...My daughter knew that didn't sound good, and I became well...Ticked off immediately...I let the Dr. know he needed to explain to my daughter what he meant, and that he better find his compasionate side while doing so!! Anyway, my grand daughter had Pentology of Cantrel...and a multitude of abnormalties. The Dr told us she had 3 days to decide to abort it!....My daughter told him right then and there that her baby girls life was in Gods hands, and chose to carry her...surpisingly Justina went to almost full term...was born 4pounds 13oz, blonde hair, ....(sorry I am jumping around)...when my daughter went into labor the Dr/Specialist said she needed to deliver lady partslly it was best for the baby! Yeah, RIGHT...we knew she was malformed, with severe scoliosis, etc (sort of fused bent like a L shape,) her intestines were on the outside, as well as her heart, she only had a partial diaphragm, her lungs were incomplete...and they said a lady partsl birth would be best (so that she would suffer less!!)...They were making my daughter labor, on top of everything else, I thought this was so unfair...labor is suppose to have a wonderful outcome...why go through it when there is so little chance...and why tear a baby apart while traveling through the birth canal!!! What's fair about die in birth...not to mention that my daughter was still young, and wanted more than anything in life to be a "mother"..and what the Dr. proposed posed a serious danger to my daughter..and her chances of having children again...He suggested that a C-section was a high risk too...(He didn't know I was a surgical nurse, who assisted in C-sections)Anyway, I went over his daughter had a c-section and my grand daughter was born! She lived less than an hour...I held her, and literally watched her little heart beat, and her lungs take their breaths...she gave it her best shot...but grandma sung to her, and held her, until Jesus took her in His loving arms...My daughter had a chance to meet her daughter, and to say goodbye. This was yrs ago..could she have lived today with intervention? Maybe..but Gods grace was sufficient...Is this all why now yrs later I have changed directions once again and find myself working with special needs children...I enjoy seeing the smiles/and facial expressions these children have...the light that shines in their eyes when they recognize their family, and yes, even their nurse! I know someone is in much they understand, how far they will go in life...isn't up to me. I can't control any of that, but I can control portions of their health. I can give them good care, with Love and tenderness, laughter and joy...isn't that what we all need....(by the way--if you are taking care of a child, and they are not being cared for properly, is CPS involved? Or is it a situation where alls you can do is your best, whether it be in their home, or institution they all deserve our best...if you can't give loving care then maybe its time for a change. God Bless all those that give their best for these truly special children (and adults)!

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

Thank you for sharing your story, I am very sorry for your loss but also happy that you and your daughter were able to spend time, hold her, and kiss her. May your grandbaby be in peace and playing with the angels!

Specializes in pediatrics, occupational health.

bigrusskcmo: "The original post said themom had 8 other children."

The original post said the mom had 8 other pregnancies. This baby was the second born alive baby.