Disclosure of Depression to Nursing School

Nurses General Nursing


After toiling away for 2 years at prereq's I finally received the letter..."Congratulations! I am please to offer you admission...". However, my elation was short lived after reading over their information packet which includes a health assessment form.

The form is fairly standard; check if you have ever experienced: Mental/nervous condition.

This has been a concern of mine since I began contemplating becoming a nurse back in 2004; see thread: https://allnurses.com/forums/f8/depression-military-discharge-career-nursing-81986.html

So here's the problem that I have, or possibly have created in my head :uhoh3:, do I tell them? Since my school is being paid for by the Dept of Veterans Affairs as a result of my disability, not listing it would appear suspicious. And of course the omnipresent statement "Falsification of any information in the questionnaire will result in dismissal." nags at my sense of integrity.

Over the years this site has been a great source of inspiration and support. Please share any experiences or suggestions that you may have. Thanks in advance!

It should not be an issue. I take Zoloft and Ativan, in fact almost half of my class has been put on meds for depression and/or anxiety since they started nursing school, its extremely common. I would just be up front with them about it. Being depressed wont get you in trouble, being caught in a lie will!

Personally, I won't put my signature on anything but the truth, whether or not I can get caught. Makes life simple and I sleep well.

But if that's not your deal, here's their deal. Read your NPA carefully. You will probably find that your license may be revoked for statements of untruth (omission included). And you will probably find that your school records including your application are to be preserved forever, presumably for the BoN's future reference.

Now there is a definite possibility you will be sued some time in your life, right or wrong. And the complainant's lawyers will dig up everything there is to dig up on you.

Think you're worried now?

Geez, Louise, life is too, too complex these days. Carry me back to old Virginny...la la la. Big Brother is just absolutely too big.

I do not comprehend why a person who is functioning well should be forced to tell his or her private, personal facts. I just don't see this.

But you all do make some strong points about non-disclosure coming back to bite you in the butt.

Specializes in Telemetry, Nursery, Post-Partum.

I would disclose it, I think they are concerned about liability involving you as a student nurse at clinicals working with patients. I think depression that is controlled with counseling (it seems from that thread you linked you don't need meds anymore?) is not anything they would be concerned about. I'm one of many nurses who was on an antidepressant thru most of nursing school and the start of my nursing career. Couldn't have made it without it!

Specializes in Peds, ER/Trauma.

If all of the nurses who have depression/anxiety/take depression meds were fired, more than half of us would be without jobs. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance- it is a medical condition, is many times hereditary, & not something that people choose not to have or can just "snap out of." If you are fired from a job or kicked out of school because of depression (as long as it is being treated & you are mentally stable), that would be grounds for a lawsuit. Would they fire someone for being diabetic or having thyroid problems (also chemical imbalances)? Depression is no different.

Good point - i too do suffer from chronic depression. I was able to be off medications for 4 months, but unfortunately through no help from my clinical instructor, i am back on Prozac. But i dont recall any question of that nature being on my application for nursing school, only questions in medical relating to me being able to do the job.

If all of the nurses who have depression/anxiety/take depression meds were fired, more than half of us would be without jobs. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance- it is a medical condition, is many times hereditary, & not something that people choose not to have or can just "snap out of." If you are fired from a job or kicked out of school because of depression (as long as it is being treated & you are mentally stable), that would be grounds for a lawsuit. Would they fire someone for being diabetic or having thyroid problems (also chemical imbalances)? Depression is no different.


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