cranberry juice vs. cranberry capsules

Nurses General Nursing


I have been having recurrent UTI's for several years and am becoming resistant to the antibiotics used to treat them. A friend/co worker suggested taking cranberry capsules QD. I would really love to do this as I am becoming SICK of drinking juice all the time. Have any of you heard of this? If so, how do they compare to juice? Thanks for any input.

We often encourage patient's to take Cranmax or Cranex pills to decrease UTI's. For some it works well, for others it didn't seem to decrease the frequency of UTIs, but it can't hurt to try them.

Here are a couple of links with literature.

Scroll down right side to article titled Cranberry for UTIs

on the left side of page look for the article titled CRANEX as an Agent in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections and click on it

For cranberry juice without sugar, try R.W. Knudson "Just Cranberry" 100% cranberry juice. It's very tart, but I like it with some water -- it's sort of an herbal tea experience.

Well I started taking Spring Valley Cranberry fruit caps almost 2 wks ago and so far so good. No UTI. Also increased H2o intake. Thanks for all the info.:p

Specializes in ER,Neurology, Endocrinology, Pulmonology.

Belinda, besides craberry pills, try washing yourself every night before bed with "tea" made of chamomile and calendula. It has anteceptic properties and where i'm from it is used from little babies to the elderly. hope u feel better.

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