Health Insurance While in School

Nursing Students SRNA


I am a new grad in the CCU aspiring to one day become a CRNA. Something I thought of while thinking about my future in regards to this is...

What did you all do in regards to health insurance when you started CRNA school? I am single, so being put onto someone else's is not an option. I am planning on working maybe PRN, but nothing more than that. And PRN positions offer no benefits. I know some colleges offer health insurance through the school itself, but aren't most of these plans crap? Guess it just depends? (I was covered under my school's insurance while getting my BSN, and it seemed they didn't cover anything.)

Any advice?

Thanks in advance :)

My husband is self employed and when I quit full-time we could only afford health insurance for our children and not will be like that for the next 2 years.

We don't like the arrangement, but don't have a choice. We are doing extra steps to stay healthy...better diet, vitamins (just a reg multi daily), exercise...just to keep from getting colds.

I have discovered, that Urgent-Care centers and some doctor's offices...if you tell them you are a healthcare major, you would be suprised that they start cutting you deals left and right...even free meds.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I also used the school's insurance. While they weren't "luxury policies," they weren't "crap" either.

Specializes in CVICU.

My school offers insurance to me one but only for me and no Maternity. Also, ask about a educational leave of absence at your job. My hospital will allow you to pay out of pocket for insurance if you are on an ed leave.

I'm considering 2 options: me on the schools plan, which involves care at a very nearby hospital and my 2 kids on CHIP ( health insurance for kids in PA), OR paying COBRA for 18 months and then doing the above. I haven't decided yet which to do. Maybe me on COBRA and my kids on CHIP--actually, that sounds like a pretty good plan....

I have some chronic meds I take, and some health issues, so going without insurance is not an option. Anyway, I've had the experience of 2 people in my nuclear family suddenly needing hospitalization, surgery, radiation, chemo, etc., and I will NEVER NEVER be without health insurance. No matter what you pay, it is a pittance compared to the cost of a major hospitalization.....take it from me, I know.....I thank God that both times we had good health insurance....

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