SPC Nursing Fall 2018

U.S.A. Florida


Hey Everyone!

Thought I would be the first person to start a SPC Nursing Fall 2018 thread. Even though we still have one semester left before applying, I thought I would start a thread to get the ball rolling and to see where everyone stands. If are applying for the program in Fall of 2018, please let us know the amount of credits you will have at the time of applying and what your cumulative and program GPA's are. As for me, I will have 30 of 30 credits completed and a cumulative GPA of 3.9, with a program GPA of 4.0.

I applied right when the applications opened March 1st. I can't wait until the applications are looked through and hopefully we all are accepted. I heard that going through the N.I.P. (the tutors for the health education center, I forgot the actual words for the acronym,) two weeks before classes start are a great way to help prepare you mentally for the classwork. It is set up by the same people who did the anatomy and physiology workshops at the Gibbs Campus.

I personally want to get my BSN through SPC as its online and it can be paced, so you don't overdo work and school. I have seen that a BSN from SPC is treated the same as a BSN from another establishment.

So if anyone is tuning in on this thread, here's a cool GPA calculator (GPA Calculator).

Yes, I already applied on the first day it opened. I just wanted to get it out of the way. I am planning on going to USF for the BSN. I really want a university on my resume.

ddeburger, wait, are you Dallas?? Someone mentioned that name. I don't know that many people with the name Dallas, so I am assuming you are the Dallas that is in micro with me lol I'm hoping.

Okay, now I know it's you. Hi!! I was planning on going to the health campus to speak to an advisor to make sure they received my application and that they have everything they need. Do you think that's too much? I just don't want to be missing anything. My program GPA is a 3.9. I really did not want to retake ENC 1101. I hope that doesn't prevent me from getting in.

Hey! I think everything will be okay, but you may want to call them to make sure. I have learned with SPC and life in general, that you have to baby-sit certain people. I think you will be fine with a 3.9 because the people that I have talked to that will be applying with us don't have that high of a GPA. I'm not sure though what happens to your GPA if you re-take a class. I would talk to an advisor to make sure that it's not going to affect your GPA.

Do we know you? Are you in Menard's Microbiology classes? LOL

Do you go to SPC now? Just trying to figure out if I know you or not. LOL!

Yes! I sit next to Molly in front of you guys!

Oh, I know you. Lol!! I thought I was replying to the other 2 people on here that I don't recognize. Haha!

oh! gotcha lol

Does anyone have plans this summer? Are you taking classes, going on vacation, volunteering?

One more month until the end of this semester! :bookworm:

Hey everyone, I applied a few weeks a go and am going crazy waiting to know! I applied with a program GPA of 3.83 with all credits done. SO many emotions going on in my head. Good luck to you all!

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