Santa Fe College ASN Spring 2017 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


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2 members have participated

Hey Everyone!

I made this forum for people that are applying to Santa Fe College ASN Program.

It would be nice if we can all share our experience and share our some of our informations during the process!!

Only Crickets! I hope we find out this week, but, from what Mr. Fortner said when I submitted my application. I don't think we'll here anything until closer to the middle of October.

I heard that the cut off is 46 points, but I've also heard otherwise! I have 50! I hope to see all of you in school soon! We should hear from them this week, according to the people I have talked to! Crossing my fingers :)

It would be such a relief to have a decision this week. One of us had heard from someone in the advising office that decision were going to be released last week, obviously that did not happen. So, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.

According to Mr. Fortner, there is not technically any cutoff for points because it is dependent on a lot of factors(point spread of all applicants for that semester, number who applied and number who will be accepted, etc.), but 46-51 seems to be the trend for the lowest of the high end scores . They also accept a few people from the lower and mid range of points.

I am hopeful for all of us. :up:

I called the advising office yesterday, and they reconfirmed that letters will be electronically sent out "sometime this week"

The anticipation is killing me, you guys!

I was really hoping it was today! :'(

It sucks that they don't give a specific notification date. At least the waiting would be more bearable.

Hopefully it's tomorrow, lol! The anticipation is really getting to me, I just want to know already!

I'm telling myself we will hear Friday at 3:30PM. If not, at least it'll be Friday, which is a terrific consolation prize.

I went to a BSN meeting on campus today and actually spoke with Scott. He said they should be sending out emails tomorrow or Friday! YAY!!!! Good luck to everyone! Post here when you find out! :)

I'm hoping it's tomorrow because if they wait until Friday we may not get them. Everything is probably gonna be closed due to the hurricane.

Oh my gosh, so true. I did not think of that. Hurricane Matthew is really starting to get on my last nerve.

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