PBSC Spring 2012 hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hi everybody (well at least everyone that reads this :))

I just wanted to see if there's anyone out there looking to start this Spring?

does anyone know how much the uniforms cost and when is everyone going to buy theirs?

I spent $70 at Copy's - 1 scrub top, 1 bottom, 2 name tags on order (@ $9/ea). Their Littman II SE's were about $90... I'm going to order online and save $10 on the steth, and see if I can find the same pants elsewhere, too. Every penny counts! :twocents:

Also got the drug screening and background check submitted today. We have to return after 12/1 for fingerprinting...

A friend was repulsed by the navy blue scrubs, but I like the color! :cool: Maybe I'm just conditioned that way - my school uniforms were always navy blue. Am I alone in thinking it actually looks nice?

When you went to NMS, did you have to wait long? Also, for the drug screening, do they take a hair sample? I read they have to take so many hairs...is it noticable?

Most ten panel tests are urine tests from what I've heard.

And the hair tests are more expensive.


I read that hair tests are actually more cost efficient...I was just wondering if they do a hair test, if it leaves a noticable spot.

I don't know I've never had it done.

My friend in the program said its urine.

Specializes in Med-Surg,Tele,ICU-Step Down, LTAC.

does anyone have a reading list for lecture, skills or pharm?

Specializes in Med-Surg,Tele,ICU-Step Down, LTAC.

So can someone tell me why we have to take the hesi over again?

i know, right?!

Ok, so now it's just the critical thinking portion we have to take...

Thank goodness! I was dreading the though of busting out the A&P/Chem/Bio review books.

Back to searching for this elusive Evolve Case Studies package. Where in the googleverse is this hiding??

Specializes in Med-Surg,Tele,ICU-Step Down, LTAC.

Okay the Critical Thinking is the portion is what we have to take, but why????

@ Camibu.... Me 2!!! just the thought alone was turning my stomach

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