Going to a nursing school that is not NLN or CCNE accredited

U.S.A. Florida


I'm considering going to College, but they are not a nationally accredited school. Does this mean I would have trouble finding a job after I finish school, or would it just mean that I couldn't work in another state if I pass the NCLEX? If I do go to Rasmussen, then I would graduate with my Associate's in Science. Would I be able to go to a university after that to get my bachelor's that is accredited by the CCNE? I just don't want to waste 2 years and then not be able to get a job or continue my education, especially after all of the money that it would cost.

National accreditation is given to trade schools. You should be looking for programs that are regionally accredited and the nursing program itself is NLN or CCNE accredited. The biggest impact on accreditation would happen when you pursue your education regionally accredited programs will not accept credits or a degree from a nationally accredited program.

The school is regionally accredited, but their nursing program is neither NLN nor CCNE accredited.

Specializes in Rehab, Ortho-Spine, Med-Surg, & Psych.

If the school is regionally accredited, you will be able to work in private hospitals, but not in government hospitals (county hospitals, armed forces, VA, etc...). Nationally accredited schools open the work field wide open for you.

To find out which schools are NLN accredited, access the link below and pick your state.


Good luck!

Hello, I was wondering if you found out anymore information on this. I am considering going to as well and the school's nursing progran is not accredited by the NLN or the CCNE but graduates are approved to take the NCLEX. So i was just wondering if you had issues getting a job..

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