Florida Hospital EKG test

U.S.A. Florida


Has anyone taken the EKG test for FL Hospital? How hard is the test? Is it computerized or paper? I have to take it in a few weeks and I am not confident at all... HELP Please!!

Know the basic of ECG (e.g. rate, rhythm, intervals) and the different types (sinus, atria, junctional, ventricular, blocks). They will give you a one day review before the test.

Suggest getting a book like ECG Made Easy, if you need help.

Hope this helps

Any new assistance or updates on this? :o I recently got hired as a GN for the PCU floor at Orlando main location. I'm taking my test in 2 weeks but wanted to study ahead of time. I'm kinda nervous for the exam. I've just been going back into my Critical Care lectures from Nursing School and reviewing the online content they provided.

OKAY.. so there is no comments on this of value on this topic so I am going to go ahead and give everyone the DL on this. So I recently have been in the GN program and was forced to take the EKG class. NO big deal right? I get to learn. So the first test you take is computerized, and the test is actually hard because the values of each strip are mutiple choice you have to be pretty accurate on what your measuring. IF you fail that test you take a paper test, and no it is not the same test. ON the paper test it is NOT multiple choice and it is alot harder than you think because this time you really have to know what your doing. I had one friend of mine fail this exam the second time and she has to wait to see if she can keep her postion on the floor or not. if you dont pass you have to wait a month to take the class again and thats if the nurse manager is willing to save your position. my recomendation is to STUDY your butt off for this exam before you even take the class.

Hey guys - is this exam mandatory when applying for positions in most US hospitals? It's not something I've heard of. I'm in A&E at the moment so quite a lot of ECG reading practice although never been tested on it in England

the test is mandatory i have never heard of anyone actually moving here for healthcare. america is the best though for healthcare so that i understand. however, the test is difficult unless you actually study and went to a good accredited college. you wont have to take it unless you want to work med surg but not alot of people chose basic floors like that.

Sorry maybe I didn't make myself clear :-) I mean is the ECG/EKG test a normal part of applying to Florida/USA hospital applications? When you apply to a hospital or any other job? Thanks x

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