Flight nurses

Specialties Flight


I am cuurently in a MSN program and am also a rotor wing flight nurse. A class objective is to communicate with other nurses for thoughts and ideas on nursing in the 90's and the next millenium....thanks for chatting..........vasti

The first thing I think nursing in the 90's

and beyond needs is to unload thatwhole"nursing

process" garbage they stress in grad school.

I see it as devisive between nurses and other

professionals. They (others) see it as a bunch of

prima donnas trying to make themselves look

special. I say we should be finding ways to

bridge the distance, not extend it, between

us and other health professionals.

Wills, I'm not following you, but I'm glad to hear someone else thinks "nursing process" is garbage. Who has time for that? I only takes more time away from the patient, who barely see's us as it is.

Well, the way it was explained to me at university was that nurses had to identify

a scientificly measurable process to base their work on in order to be considered

'professional' and that became the "nursing

process". What we have in reality is a lot

of completely useless 'nursing diagnosies'.

Who pays any attention to them except nursing administrators who need to justify the amount

of patient care time they waste? Try calling

the ED doc and state; "My patient has ineffective individual coping related to his

intoxicated state and the car which ran over him." He/she will probably reply "Who the hell wouldn't be upset if they got drunk and walked in front of a moving auto?" Maybe it's

because I'm a male in a female dominated field or maybe it's my paramedic background,

but it seems to me we would better serve our profession if we joined the field of medicine and not try to create a new one.

Amen to the gist of the last reply. I'm a 45 YO male working on my second career (second term RN/BSN student) since retiring from the military. There's a lot of feel good crap out here that doesn't mean much in the real world and nursing diagnoses is at the top of that pile of crap. I've read where nursing diagonses were started by a bunch of you post grad types, nothing against you personally!

You have a point about the nursing dx. They are pretty pretentious and even funny if you think about it.

We are struggling as a profession and we are struggling to get out from the crushing weight of the AMA and I think this was an attempt. Not very effective but an attempt.

We need to find a better way to put a value on ourselves and or work. I don't have the answer.

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