Georgetown University Hospital New Grad Residency 2018

Nurses New Nurse


Hi everyone! I have applied and will be interviewing for the Georgetown New Grad Residency for February 2018. I wanted to start a thread so anyone applying can keep in touch. Has anyone interviewed yet?

I interviewed and got the job!!

join the FB group! "MedStar Georgetown University Hospital New Grad Feb 2018"

I got the job as well! Can't wait to start working with you all!


I applied for the Spring cohort. I got invited to interview for the New Grad Day in Feb.! Could you tell me about your interview experience? Are you from the DC area? What is the pay/salary that they offer new grads?

I'm not from the DC area and would like to get a good feel before I go for the interview. Again, congratulations!!

The interview was great! You start out in HR, and the recruiter I'd been in contact with throughout the application process asked me pretty standard questions and briefed me on some HR basics. Then, she brought me up to the floor and I interviewed with the unit manager, educator, and charge nurse, all of whom were so kind and encouraging! It felt very conversational, and I got the notion that they were more trying to get to know you than trying to grill you to assess your professional knowledge (thank goodness).

I'm not from the DC area, and I actually moved here from the west coast for the job! Cost of living here is quite high (I live in the city), but manageable with what you're paid (although I'd recommend considering somewhere outside the city). They offer great shift differentials, so you have the potential to significantly more by working nights and/or weekends (all new grads are rotating for the first year, meaning you switch between nights and days).

After the interview on the unit, they asked me to shadow for a bit, which was wonderful! So bring scrubs and shoes! I loved everyone I interacted with, and the dynamic of the unit and hospital itself. Being a teaching hospital, there is so much support! Also, the residency program itself is the most supportive that I've heard of/researched.

Let me know if you have other questions!

Just wondering if someone could clarify -- is the 2 year commitment after the year of residency or is the year of residency included in the commitment?

The 2 year commitment starts after your orientation ends on your unit, which would be at least 6 months before the residency ends.

Awesome! I had my interview and it went very well! What areas would you recommend living? I know the cost of living is fairly high there. Did you receive relocation benefits as well?

You can email me if you would prefer that over this.

Can you tell me what the terms of the 2 year "contract" are? I'm waiting to hear back from both Georgetown and another job, and I won't hear back from the other job until well after I hear back from Georgetown and I'm not sure if it's possible to get out of the commitment if I choose to go with the other hospital.

I was wondering the same thing as futureRN_x3. I also was wondering if anyone knows what the salary is in terms of a yearly amount? I figured it out on my own but want to be sure I figured it correctly. Also, does anyone know someone who went through the residency? Is the salary enough to live comfortably in DC? Did they enjoy the program? Thanks guys!!

Also! does anyone know the policy in terms of overtime/picking up shifts/"urgent" or "extra pay" for going in for short staffing?

I was wondering the same thing as futureRN_x3. I also was wondering if anyone knows what the salary is in terms of a yearly amount? I figured it out on my own but want to be sure I figured it correctly. Also, does anyone know someone who went through the residency? Is the salary enough to live comfortably in DC? Did they enjoy the program? Thanks guys!!

Also! does anyone know the policy in terms of overtime/picking up shifts/"urgent" or "extra pay" for going in for short staffing?

I went through the interview this year and this is what they told us:

1. Salary is $29.30 an hour, plus differentials which are: $6.50 evenings/nights, $8.50 Saturday/Sunday, and $10.50 Saturday/Sunday nights.

2. You can definitely live on this salary in DC. I'm a student here now, and if you live further out and not directly in the middle of the city, you can find decently priced rent!

3. You can pick up extra shifts for overtime AFTER your 3 month orientation. Some units offer extra pay for short staffing on top of your overtime and differentials, but the amount varies.

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