Master's degree

Specialties Emergency


I have my BSN and would like to get a Master's Degree, do I go for Nurse Practitioner or get a Master's in something else? I am afraid that the NP's are a saturated field already. Also even with the projected shortage of nurses by 2020 there is no indication of better pay or benefits.... suggestions please!!!:roll

Whatever Master's degree you get will require so much blood, sweat and tears from you that I feel strongly you should get the degree in something you really care about!

Yes, some specialities pay better than others, but that is just one consideration of many. Compensation packages are also regional -- some specialities make more in one part of the country, and others in other parts. Also v. hard to predict what the future will bring!

Think about what you are most interested in DOING for the rest of your career, and think about what degree will enable you to do that, more than which specialities/roles get paid what. Is the money really worth it if you don't enjoy what you're doing all day every day?

Also, I would encourage you to please not assume that you have to "settle" for whatever Master's program is located closest to you. If there is a program that you're really fired up about somewhere else, there is probably a way to manage to go there. Again, you will put so much time, money, and effort into getting the degree, you might as well get a degree you really WANT to get!

Best wishes on whatever you decide -- grad school is a very exciting adventure, and will change your life.

I agree with everything that elkpark said. Deciding to obtain your masters degree is one difficult decision. But once you have decided to obtain your masters degree you have to figure out what to get it in. I am a paramedic. I love my job. For the time being I wouldn't want to do anything else. I get paid well and only work 2 days a week, at least for the full time job, have a few Perdiem jobs as well. I have been in a masters program for just over a year now. I knew for a while that I wanted to go back to school but like you I was wrestling with choosing a "major". Looking into the future I want to stay in EMS, but move into an administrative role. The Masters degree in Health Care Administration seemed perfect.

Spend some time soul searching and figure out where you want to be in say 3-5 years. What program will help lead you in that direction?

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