ER Nurse is Being a JERK to EMS...

Specialties Emergency


One of our ER nurses has been just UGLY to all of our EMS people over the past couple weeks. No matter what EMS brings in and no matter what EMS does she finds fault with it. She is refusing to answer questions when calling the service for an interfacility transport, "I want a paramedic to transport a patient and that is all you need to know!," she'll say. She's also told paramedics who have offered to assist with getting IVs started, inserting foleys, EKGs, that those procedures require a REGISTERED NURSE, not an ambulance driver who got their license out of a mail order catalog, has ripped out IVs started by EMS, removes C-spine precautions, refuses to take report, and the list goes on and on. There is already tension between the EMS people and the ER staff as it is...don't know why, just one of those long standing things.

So what's is your opinion? As a member of the ambulance service and the ER staff, I am caught in the middle a lot. When I am on duty in the ER, this nurse is my supervisor and if she tells me to pluck out the IV, I am expected to do it. When I am on duty with the ambulance service, I am MAD when I am told I am too stupid to do a procedure that I do on a regular basis and is makes me really mad to have my judgement questioned by someone who thinks we shouldn't have c-spined a patient who had MOI.

The ER supervisor and the ambulance service supervisor (who just happen to be best friends) are aware of the situation and they just keep telling everyone, "Well, that's just how she is...don't let her get to you." Fine, great answer, but it sure makes for a lot of tension and makes people not want to show up in the ER when this nurse is on...

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.

I really am a lot older than 13, Thank God.

Specializes in ER.

Do you have an ethics line you can report her to? Our hospital has an anonymous ethics line, you can report anything/anyone to be looked into further. I too am EMS and work in the ED, the hospital I use to work at did not have a great rapport with EMS but the one I work at now makes it a priority to be pleasant to EMS, even if they did (rarely- screw up) if they didn't do something you think they should have, you call the EMS Liason and they look into it. If a patient does not have a choice of hospitals, the EMS guys/girls will usually come to our hospital because they feel they get treated with respect and we have free cookies and soda for them, that never hurts!!! It makes working together much easier if you smile and get along. It also works well for the hospital because they have increased revenue. It is a win-win situation.

She needs a wake up call and if your manager wont do it, someone above her/him should. It is impacting patients. Why should their c-spine be at risk or why should they be stuck again?

Am I reading your response correctly? I hope I'm not, because that would be unfortunate. For years there has been an animosity amongst EMS and RNs. As I make the transformation from paramedic of 30 years to new ER nurse, I was hoping to help cross that great divide.

Will I always be looked at as pre-hospital and never truly a member of the crowd because that's my origin? Will I be shunned by EMS because I jumped ship and went to nursing? I hope I can be both, nurse and paramedic... If someone is not causing a problem why not allow them here. The exchange of ideas can only foster understanding between EMS and nursing. I urge you to consider communicating with EMS. They can learn from us... and believe it or not, we can even learn from them. For one, we can learn from their devotion. They do a hard, often thankless job for little and in some cases no pay at all. Would we get up and do what we do every day for as little as 10.00 an hour?

Am I reading your response correctly? I hope I'm not, because that would be unfortunate. For years there has been an animosity amongst EMS and RNs. As I make the transformation from paramedic of 30 years to new ER nurse, I was hoping to help cross that great divide.

Will I always be looked at as pre-hospital and never truly a member of the crowd because that's my origin? Will I be shunned by EMS because I jumped ship and went to nursing? I hope I can be both, nurse and paramedic... If someone is not causing a problem why not allow them here. The exchange of ideas can only foster understanding between EMS and nursing. I urge you to consider communicating with EMS. They can learn from us... and believe it or not, we can even learn from them. For one, we can learn from their devotion. They do a hard, often thankless job for little and in some cases no pay at all. Would we get up and do what we do every day for as little as 10.00 an hour?

It is an old and frankly boring concept. Something with more originality would at least make things interesting. But, RN versus PM? In reality, I really do not see true animosity among RN's and PM's. I guarantee you, when the fecal matter hits the oscillating device, your fellow nursing colleagues will not give a rip that you were a PM, only that you are among them wading in a sea of chaos.

As far as the money and your EMS colleagues, why are so many EMS providers looking to the hospital? Why are PM's looking at nursing school? Why did I leave my low paying job as an EMT for the world of nursing? I really like what I did, so it was not about job satisfaction. Can you really blame them/us? Come on, how many PM's are shunning their colleagues for going into nursing? If they have time to be haters, I want to know where they work, because they must have nothing better to do.

Specializes in ER/Trauma.
For years there has been an animosity amongst EMS and RNs.
Well, someone forgot to mention that aspect in school! :down: I didn't know there was supposed to be an animosity between EMS and RNs....

Damnit! I'm always the last to know!!! :(


Oh well! Thanks for clarifying that. From tomorrow, I'll start treating EMS crews with more hostility and animosity....


PS: In case some folks are wondering - I'm being a tad bit sarcastic.

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