Mandatory Flu Vaccines- How do you feel?

Nurses COVID


Anyone else upset by the requirement to take flu vaccine or else... not even a mask option??? Only way out is a MD note stating "severe" allergy. Why is it we can't force our patients but our hospitals can force us.

I am pregnant and know I am high risk, but I took the vaccine in my last pregnancy and my son has an egg allergy. No proof linking, but no study not linking. I am so close to maternity leave and was going to wait until I delivered to be vaccinated. Do you know that they don't recommend the flu vaccine until a baby is 6 months but somehow it is safe for a near term "fetus"? Shouldn't we have the right to say no, just like out patients?

Specializes in emergency, psy, case management.

But tracy0001, it seems that you are thinking that the hcw, once vaccinated, can't pass on the influenza/flu virus?

Unfortunately, that is a common misconception.

Its a complex problem that I dont think there is any one answer too.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.
Very good post. I was just reimbursed for nursing school when I refused the flu shot that they instituted after school began. Glad to see there are others who will think for themselves and draw the line for themselves.

This is the attitude that gets me. Just because I get the flu shot in no way means I am unable to think for myself. I am not a sheep. I did the research for myself and it convinced me that for ME getting it was the right answer. Lose the smug attitude and maybe we can have an honest, intelligent debate.

The studies listed are far from adequate. They look at too few factors over too short a period of time on too few people. The unfortunate fact that fish and commercial foods are also contaminated is only evidence of a broader problem resulting in poor health outcomes. How can you compare food or driving a car to forced vaccines? And personally, I don't eat fish or commercial foods. I chose to work for a hospital that does not require flu vaccines for employees. Vaccines change, as new ingredients are added and others removed. Do you really believe the long-term effects of injecting vaccine ingredients on a yearly basis are known? We should have a choice to NOT be injected with aluminum, formaldehyde and god knows what else on an annual basis. No entity should force drugs of any kind on people. This is an essential aspect of freedom. If you choose to put your kids in public schools, and the school decides to start vaccinating 12 year olds for HPV without parental consent, do you also view that as a choice you are making? If you want an annual flu vaccine, you have the choice to get it. And everyone else should have a choice as well. If you limit your research to the CDC, you are placing unnecessary limits on information available.

Deciding to be a nurse does not mean we decided to be vaccinated annually for the flu. In reality, the family member in the situation you would be concerned about would be at greater risk from a vaccinated employee or visitor that lacked basic infection control knowledge and/or PPE and training. Or maybe it would be the contaminated stethoscope, BP cuff, etc that resulted in the spread of disease. If going into nursing involves keeping our patients, families and ourselves healthy maybe we should mandate better food and lifestyle choices. After all, heart disease, obesity and related diseases kill far more people than the flu, and the same factors certainly contribute to a weakened immune system, overall poor health and increased risk of contracting an infectious disease. Vaccinated people catch and spread the flu regularly. It seems the most effective means of preventing the spread of disease deserve the resources.

If it weren't for employees standing up for their rights, do you think "the man" as you put it would pay overtime, give adequate sick days, or good insurance benefits? As far as I can tell, nurses are the single most involved and needed employees at the hospital. Seems voicing our thoughts and standing up for our rights would be a good thing?

This is the attitude that gets me. Just because I get the flu shot in no way means I am unable to think for myself. I am not a sheep. I did the research for myself and it convinced me that for ME getting it was the right answer. Lose the smug attitude and maybe we can have an honest, intelligent debate.

I am not trying to be smug. Sorry if I came off that way. It's just the constant pressure of "take it or leave school" or "take it or get fired" etc. that wears on a person. It's easy to get an attitude when a person is forced to change their life plans because we are not allowed to make our own decisions. I really have no issue with people taking the flu shot if they have looked at the evidence and still want to. I would just like the same respect.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

We had mandated flu vaccines, and guess what...we had the flu sweep thru our unit like wildfire starting in December and still going. At least we aren't as sick as we could have been.

Specializes in emergency, psy, case management.

how do you know?

how do you know?

I was wondering the same thing.

This was released today. Swine flu vaccine linked to narcolepsy. Just for discussion state for all those who repeat the mantra that the shot is 100% beneficial, that it is worth the risk. Insight: Evidence grows for narcolepsy link to GSK swine flu shot - Yahoo! News

Specializes in emergency, psy, case management.

wow. Thanks for sharing that.

Exactly! How can you know. When they say the flu shot is 62% effective, they are counting effective as including those who were vaccinated and got the flu anyways but did not require hospitalization. It is very poorly executed, presented and is quite misleading.

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